Passing the Line (Final Part)

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The plane was an untypical beauty. The carpets and ceiling was a bright blue and orange tint. Bright open windows that connected the floor to the top, which I felt was dangerous, a new built fixture for planes. Blake took my hand and led me to the chair “This plane was my first owned plane my dad gave to me when I was 16 years old, but that was uh, before I inherited my company”.

“You were 16 when you were given  a multi-billion company?”

“Yes”, he took a champagne bottle from the hidden wine cooler and poured a half cup of wine for me and himself “Don’t ask anymore questions, go in the back and take your clothes off”.

My lips tightened into a smile and I titled my head “Take my clothes off? No, drink wine? Yes”, I took the wine flute from his hand and he hit my arm and the wine spilled on me.

“Oops”, he grinned.

“You dick!” I stood and climbed in his lap “Now you’re going to get dirty”, I grabbed his wine and poured it on his head.

His face paused in a sudden smile and he closed his eyes “ just do that?” he asked opening his eyes . His blue crystal devil-made eyes pierced up at me.

I slid off of him and switched to the back door “Yes I did Mr. Winters, I believe I deserve a discipline”.

“I’d rather give you ice cream, no, tie you up and eat ice cream off of you”.

 I hurried through the door and locked it “No discipline, no Ice cream bad boy”, I shouted and began stripping.

He didn’t answer, I giggled and looked around the room, spectacular beauty. My phone rang and I looked at it and frowned “Hello mother”, I rolled my eyes.

“Maria, I won’t speak about how upset I am about you not returning my calls. Are you on your plane to New Jersey now?”

“Yes mom I am, call you when I make touchdown”.

“Who’s the dick?” Blake growled grabbing me from behind.

I squealed and bit my lip.

“What was that?” My mom said.

He tossed me down on the bed and I silently shook my head screaming “NOOO”!

He whispered silent “Yes’s” to my no’s wrapping a rope around his hand grabbing my feet.

“Um mom can I call you back?” I asked.

“Maria you’ve been ignoring me, can you at lease apologize to me?”

Blake ripped his white T off and smacked my leg “Get off the phone”, he mouthed silently.

“You know what mom, yes, let’s talk”, I smiled trying to kick him.

“What are you doing Maria? You don’t sound stable”.

“Um, I’m doing some exercise with Mr. Winter’s he’s uh showing me some taekwondo moves”.

“Taekwondo? How so, on the plane?”

“Yes mom”, I hit mute quickly and screamed as he dropped a scoop of ice cream on my belly “I said I wanted to eat ice cream Ms. Rossi, and I wasn’t playing”.

“Blake”, I moaned and sucked in air as his tongue traced the melting ice cream down my stomach.

 “Strawberry”, he whispered against my skin.

I took the phone off mute and giggled “Mom please, I’ll talk to you later, bye”.

“Maria”, she said as I pressed end and threw the phone.

I violently grabbed his hair and kissed him roughly, sliding my hands threw his soft..Soft hair.

 “Maria”, he groaned against my mouth.


He ran his hands through my hair and pulled me back to look at him “Yes what?”

“I want to sign the papers, I want this”.

He grabbed me and spun me around “Thank you” he laid a soft pecks on my lips “Thank you”, he whispered again.

                                                     *                                    *                               *

Blake couldn’t hide his unusual excitement, he walked around the plane with the biggest smile on his face. “Will we sleep together?” I asked.

“No, I’ll sleep out here, you’ll sleep in the room”.


“I have latenight work to do, I don’t want to keep you up”.

“I don’t mind, I don’t like sleeping by myself”.

“Like I said, I’ll be sleeping out here”.

I rolled my eyes and looked back down to my iphone “K”, I nodded.

*Maria hun, can’t wait 2 c u out here!* MotherSheDevil<_>

*Can’t wait either mom, we’ll be stopping in England for a day or 2*

*You’ll be rooming with Natilia right?????* MotherSheDevil<_>


*Why the hell not? That was the plan. You’re not thinking of screwing Mr.Winters are you????* MotherSheDevil<_>

*Damn mom, no! I’m getting a massage right now, ttyl! <3*

*By who? MR. WINTERS!!!????*MotherSheDevil<_>

I laughed and put down my phone, she’ll answer that for herself.

The plane went into nuetral, and Blake handed me a wine cup. I looked up at him with a grin “You’re not going to spill this on me this time are you?”

“Nope, we’re celebrating”.

I took a sip “Celebrate what?”

“To my new assistant”.

I silently screamed and threw my one free arm around him “Thank you, thank you, thank you”, I cheered.

“Now for our agreement?”

I nodded “ok”.

He leaned up and reached over my head taking down an exact copy of the papers  he gave me over a month ago. He spread them out on the little table that seperated us from each other.

“Ok”, he licked his finger and and opened the first page “Ready?”

I sat staring at the beautiful figure in front of me, his tongue slid slowly over his bottom lip. I squeezed my legs together “Yep”.

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