Winters Tower (Final Part)

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“Seth please don’t be mad at me”, I grabbed his arm pleading.

 Seth smiled “We’re adults Maria, it’s your choice; but if you want to be happy I wouldn’t be with him. He’s rich and arrogant, and haves no heart”.

 I turned the music on, trying to change the mood in the car; enough with the telling me what to do.

We drove back into London, the sun was shining bright and I had to prepare for a press conference tonight in Chicago… 3,945 miles away. Seth took me to my home and I waved him goodbye as he flipped his hair and drove away. “Bienvenue Mme Rossi”, my chauffeur waved. “Hi Paul, Est mon avion prêt à 3? (Is my plane ready for 3 -in French) He nodded and grabbed my bags “tous ensemble”, (All set) he responded. 

 I grinned and walked into my house. I looked long down pass the house to the my driveway and Elli’s truck was parked there. I

  stopped and looked up to my house, he was standing upstairs on the balcony.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” I shouted up to him.

He grinned “COME UP HERE AND TALK TO ME”, he shouted back.

I huffed and stomped up to the second floor of my home, its about time for him to start having some rules.

Elli turned around and smiled at me as I entered “Baby, what’s crawled up your ass today?”

“Look, we’re not like we used to be Elli. You need to give me your key to my house and you have to ask to come for now on”.

 “You know, I never wanted to say this, but; you’re being a little stuck up bitch and you need to get over whatever the hell you’re going through and come back to reality”.

 Back to reality huh? With you? No way, I’m done with you Elli; I can’t stand the lies any more, you never liked me. All you wanted to do is get busy with the innocent church girl”.

 “Yes of course I did, you had the biggest breast out of all the other girls; who wouldn’t want you?”

 “You’re such a jerk Elli, leave my house now I have to pack”.

“You need me to leave so you can pack?”

Yes, I need to get in the shower”.

“I don’t get the problem”.

“Please Elli, stop it, leave now”.

“Suck my dick first”.

“Elli, not now”- I shook my head fast “What the hell, I meant no, what? Get out”.

“So you're not gonna suck my dick?”

“Why would I?” I put my hand on my hip.

“Because Maria, that’s how things go. I know your secrets you give me head for me not to tell them”.

I starred at him and my vision got blurry, oh shit not now.


“Maria, I was kidding”. Elli shook me. I sat up and grabbed my head, “It wasn’t you jackass, I didn’t take my meds today”. I got up and dusted myself off “What were we talking about?” “You’re not taking your meds because of what?” “Because I could handle myself, I just need to breath next time”. “So, you can handle yourself but you just fell out on the floor out of nowhere?” I put up my hand “Could you not! Dude, go jump off a bridge or something. Leave I need to

 “Fine, I was only kidding, are we still friends?”

 I laughed, “Elli please stop acting like a teenager, get out of my house”.

 He pouted backing away “Do you still think I’m cute?”

 “You’re beautiful ok? Go”, I waved him off.

Elli and I relationship is so damn difficult, but I guess at the end of the day that innocent side of our teenage relationship is still there.


My mom met me at the London Airport and she handed me my v.i.p card to the conference “Hi Darling, glad you could make it. Our plane take off in 15 minutes so we have to skip!”

I picked up my little traveling bag and took a deep breath “I’m ready”, I smiled.

First class flight to Chicago took us 8 hours, we mad it out there at 7:30 on the dot. We got escorted quickly to our Hotel and got dressed for the meeting. I took my depression meds out my purse and took 2 of them, no falling out on stage.

 We arrived at the Fancy Marriott Hotel where the conference was hosted; it was packed from the entrance. I shun my v.i.p card and we were escorted to the top floor.

I was wide aware Blake was going to be here, so I took all the right appropriate steps, being very cautious.

 The beginning get together was very intimate. My dad wrapped his arm around me “Nice to see you Maria, glad you can make it here”. I smiled “Oh dad, I wouldn’t miss this”, I lied. He chuckled “Oh yes, I heard you were going to start working with Mr. Winter’s; he just arrived; come”.   

 Damnit. We made our way through the crowd and I stopped when I seen the back of Blake’s head, his hand was at the small of a women’s back; a tall brunette.

Jealousy hit home and I fought the urge to faint, Seth was right he was just using me.

 “Mr. Winter’s I’ll like you to meet my daughter Maria”, my dad spoke. Blake turned around and stared at me like he was caught “Maria Rossi, yes I remember you from the interview early this week”, he smiled and shook my hand.

 I nodded my head “Nice to see you again Mr. Winter’s”, I turned to my dad “I’m sorry, but I’m just feeling a tad bit sick right now, I think I need to lie down”.

My dad frowned “Oh well, I was hoping we could all get to know each other”.

“I’m sure we’ll have another meeting soon, I think she should go”, the brunette spoke.

 Blake’s hand fell from around her and he sighed “Ms Rossi”, he nodded. I began turning away “Mr. Winter’s”, I gave him the side eye look and walked way.

 I made my way back downstairs and my mom stopped me “Where are you going so soon Maria?”

“I don’t feel so well, im going to go to my room; goodnight”. I walked away when before she even responded.

I let my feelings take over me this time…I’ll let that phone call in the morning do all that talking.

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