Chapter One: Winter's Tower (part one)

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*Flashback* 10 years ago…

 The pain was something I couldn't resist.

  I sat the blade down and stared down at my leg and the blood ran down my thighs. It feels so good… I took a towel and wiped away the blood and cried when I seen the mark I had given myself next to the others I put there.

 I threw the razor across the room and it hit a glass vase. Shit…I stood up, my dress fell to my knees and I walked out the bathroom to get the broom.

My mom sat at the table on the phone, she stared at me as I entered. “Maria, you’re looking sad what’s the problem?”

 I shook my head “Oh nothing mom, you know it’s that time of the month again”. She scanned down my legs “Get yourself cleaned up, you have a show in a day and you want to look the best”.

 I nodded and got the broom “ I will mommy, you know I always win”, I smiled and walked back into the bathroom. The little blue glass pieces was tempting to step on, just one I thought to myself. I shook my head, no more, I said no more… I swept up the glass and went to practicing putting on makeup in the mirror; my beauty is what all that mattered in the world.

 My life was filled with allot of material things, things that didn’t matter much to me but my mom killed for me to get. I was a young girl when I started doing pageants. I traveled the world seen many things but I wanted a simple life like all the other girls. But I wasn’t all the girls; I was home schooled and regulated by my mom with anything and everything.

 I was twelve when I started my first eating diet; no eating after 6pm, no meat on my plate, vegetables and a piece of bread was all I ate. I was 13 when I first had sex; which was with a boy from church. Elli was my first boyfriend, he was also in boy pageants and we were raised in the same fields.

 One day after church him and I went behind the pastors podium and had missionary sex. He was 16 and a bad boy. My mom told me to stay away from him and I wished I ‘d listened to her. I was 14 when I won my first National award and made myself on the top 5 youngest beauty queens around the world.

Present day

I tried not to mope and walk into my mother’s home sluggishly, but that’s how I felt right now. The only job I’ve ever wanted seemed like a really hard hit. Why was he so damn mean to me? I straightened my stance and walked with a strut into my mom’s mansion, the door guy Emanuel opened it for me and nodded “Welcome Ms. Rossi, you’re mother is waiting for you outside on the beach”. “Thank you”, I smiled flipping my hair. Flash ran through the house barking at my feet. I bent down and stroked him “Hey Flash, miss mommy?” Flash barked and ran out the backdoor; I followed behind. “Oh Maria honey, look at you, you look dashing”, my mom air kissed my on both cheeks and grabbed my face “You’re beautiful”. I cringed; this was her everyday greeting…I’m far from beautiful “Thank you mom, you wanted to see me?”

She motioned us to the table and I sat in the seat across from hers. She sipped from her champagne flute “How’d the job interview go? Was he as hot as they say?” I took a bite of the spinach roll on my plate “Uh, well the interview went well. And yes he is as good as they say he looks”. She smiled and put up one neatly drawn eyebrow “What do you think of him as a person?”

I looked up into the sky like I was thinking “Well he’s good looking. Very professional like, uh he didn’t say much for me to know that much really”. “Oh god Maria you still talk like a teenager. Can you please get the uh’s and um’s out of your vocabulary?” she scowled. I straightened up in my seat “Yes ma’am, I know that I’m still working on my vocabulary and I know that with your words of wisdom I can achieve big things in life”.

 She nodded her head and clapped her hand “We have a press conference to go to in Chicago this weekend; Winter’s going to be there; he’s a close friend to your dad. Maybe you can get to know him there”. I shook my head “Well I don’t think that’s a good idea, I shouldn’t mix business with pleasure”. “Oh stop being a snob Maria, do what your mom tells you and come with me”.

 I took another bite of my food hiding away my irritation “Of course mom, I would love to go”, I smiled. I hate that I never got to experience doing what I wanted at 18. Well I tried it once and got the biggest beat down…I never disobeyed my mom again after that.

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