A Little Taste (Part4)

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Talk about a mad bitch from hell look…Blake and I walked in to work together and that’s exactly the look Sarafina had on her face. She stared up from her computer and gritted her teeth, Blake made slight eye contact with her and looked at me “I want you to behave yourself today, and then you’re coming home with me tonight”.

I nodded “I have a meeting in New Jersey tonight, maybe tomorrow?” He smiled and shook his head “You come or I’ll fire you”. I gasped and hit him “Damn you Blake Winters, fine; I’ll reschedule my meeting and you don’t go apeshit k?” He leaned close to my ear “That’s what I like to hear”; he patted my ass and walked away.

He walked pass Sarafina and snapped his finger, she followed behind him like a puppy…I turned away and bumped into Seth, he frowned “I need you to take me to lunch”.

“Gosh Seth, you’re walking around like a damn ghost, what’s up?”

He flipped his hair “Bitch, you out of all people knows what the hells up; take me out to lunch in 20 minutes or I’ll I fight you”.

I smiled “Fine, but you know I’m late so I have extra work to do”.

He knitted his eyebrow “Extra what? All you’re doing right now is fetching wants from the boss and running in your good heels to go get it, what run to get an extra bagel? WHAT!?” he exclaimed.

“Oh yeah, I forgot that was all”, I laughed, “Fuck you”, I flipped him off.

“Lunch at 2:00, don’t forget”, he said walking away.

I waved him off and went into my office; another yet gorgeous surprise took me.

A huge bouquet of flowers stood out on my desk and I closed my door and took the letter out of it

To my dear soon-to-be casual sex buddy / Submissive,


This morning, I have to say was a very relaxing time. I haven’t taken a bath with any women before, you were my first. Just to be clear I said bath not shower, I had many of those…Anyways, I would like you to hurry your ass up and sign that paper I gave you. And that might be able to get you a higher job as assistant…

Ps: I love getting my way J

I smiled and sat the card down, damnit he’s tempting me with a higher job and he knows how I want it…and hell he knows how he’s gonna get me to sign that damn paper…



I sat quietly at my desk and put up all my personal things on my desk, it felt a bit homey; I liked it. 2 hours of just staring off into the worlds greatest view over London, my desk phone got a call. “Someone’s ordering you to come down, a very angry hungry gay model”, the receptionist laughed. “Oh damnit, tell him I’ll be down in a minute”, I said getting up grabbing my purse. I left out the room and stopped at Blake’s office and knocked. The was quite conversations and then the door unlocked, Sarafina hid her tears from me and walked pass. I looked up and Blake’s Dominant demeanor was in full effect. He crooked his finger and I walked in “I’m going down for lunch”—he grabbed my waist and kissed me, backing me up to the wall. “Mr. Winter’s, is there something wrong?” He moved a piece of hair to the back of my ear “ No”, he smirked “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

I moved back “To lunch with Seth, he’s having a freaking emotional breakdown and he needs his girlfriend’s helping words”. “Ok, well hurry back ok? I need to met with you, I have some real work for you”.

My Boss Stole My Innocence (Sexual Content) (R)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن