Chapter 5 Class. . . 1-B?!

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The cumulative results for the practical exam are out!

One-hundred and ten points?! Isn't that a new record?

There hasn't been a score that high since The Shining Star attended U.A.

Take a look at second place. I can't believe he got second place with no rescue points.

In contrast, there's the eight place student with zero villain points.

Standing at the rear of the surveillance room, two Heroes stood leaning on the wall.

Shouta Aizawa.

Sekijiro Kan.

Aizawa: There'a an extra. . .

Kan: I'm well aware.

Aizawa: Now, we just need to find out which class will have it?

Their fists rose. . . and descended. Eraserhead wielded scissors whilst Vlad King had chosen rock.

Aizawa: Hm.

Kan: That's that. . . .


Izuku once again found himself at Dagobah Municipal Beach. It was early morning, the moon still overhead. As he arrived, he spotted his mentor, in his skinny glory, gazing out to sea. . .

Izuku: All Might!

All Might: Gah- who's that?!

Random: ALL MIGHT?!?!?

Random 2: No way! Where?!

All Might: (whispers) Repeat after me, "I had the wrong person."

Izuku: Oh! I had the wrong person!

Random: Aw, what?

Random 2: I was hoping to see him. . .

The couple took their leave, the Hero and now Hero in training letting out sighs of relief.

All Might: Congrats on getting accepted.

Izuku: Th-Th-Thank you very much!

They shared a high five before getting down to business.

All Might: Just so you know, I didn't tell the school about my connection with you.

Izuku: Hm?

All Might: You're the type that would think that was cheating, right? I wasn't one of the judges.

Izuku: (bows) Th-Thank you for your concern. B-But I was surprised to find out that you were a teacher at U.A.! So that's why you came here, huh? I mean, your agency is in-

All Might: Don't start.

Izuku: (deadpans)

The blonde stepped a bit closer to the shore, gazing toward the moon. . .

All Might: I couldn't tell anyone before the school announced it. I just happened to be offered a job from U.A. when I was searching for a successor.

Izuku: I see, he was originally planning to choose one of the students. . . One of the students gifted with an amazing Quirk.

The boy glanced to his palms, seeing the very minuscule scar in its center. . .

Izuku: My body broke with one kick and punch of One For All. I can't control it at all. . .

All Might: That can't be helped. It's like if your asked someone who just grew a tail to do a trick. They wouldn't even be able to control it.

Izuku: Wait. . . Did you know it would happen?!

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