Chapter 29 Return

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As the Hero landscape in Japan underwent its tectonic movement, the numerous Hero Schools across the country felt the aftershocks. . .

Dozens of schools offering the Hero Course closed their doors outright, not only to protect the students, but themselves.

Parents wasted no time in pulling their children out of the schools that remained open, hundreds of students leaving the Hero Course regardless of whether they wanted to or not. Mother's word was absolute.

Not even the most renowned institutions were out of the quake's reach.

Ketsubutsu Academy lost 50% of its entire student body, and just about its entire Hero Course save for a few second years.

Shiketsu High kept a majority of its students, but the budget for the Hero Course was halved and placed elsewhere.

And U.A. High lost the Hero Course's entire second year, a number of third years, and miraculously, only one first year. . . .

Sekijiro Kan could only sigh as he signed the document confirming Hiryu Rin's withdrawal from the Hero Course. The exchange student would be returning to China as per his parents' request. . .

Vlad King shook his head as he recalled what just happened to the second years. He's lucky it was just one student and not his whole class that was gone. . . .


Zeny Rose was the first to arrive that day, the first to notice the missing desk, and the first to notice that it was Rin's desk number that was gone. . .

Zeny: Kan-sensei.

Kan: Rose.

Zeny: . . . Is Rin. . .?

The Hero only nodded and returned his attention to his lesson plans. Zeny let out a low breath, reaching into her backpack and pulling out the burned notebook that once belonged to Izuku Midoriya. . .

Zeny: I really should give this thing back, then again I've had it for about a year. . .

Despite her thoughts, she knew she wouldn't be returning "Hero Analysis for the Future No. 13" anytime soon. She'd read it in its entirety a few times already, the jumbled and disorderly, yet brilliant, notes pulling her away from the grim reality the world had suddenly fallen into, and through a gateway to Izuku's mind and passion. . .

Zeny's heart skipped a beat, as it always did, when she read her own entry. It was horribly out of date, and she had no doubt Izuku had already made a new one of her, but this first one would always hold a special place in her heart. . .

Reading through the notebook again made the Rose realize she desperately needed to just talk to Izuku, to just be near him and feel some normalcy after her disastrous internship. . . .

Soon the rest of the class arrived, and it did not take long for everyone to realize that they were down a classmate. Vlad King deflected all questions until everyone was in their seats, the Blood Hero rising from behind the podium and clearing his throat.

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