Chapter 27 Korriban

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Izuku Midoriya blinked, Hosu, the Heroes, the Villains fading away, the world becoming a vast void of white. . .

Izuku: (Panic) Where did everyone go?! H-How are you. . . How do you. . .?

All that was left in the world were the hero in training, Deku. . . the blood of the Hero Killer, Stain. . . and. . .

The Living Nightmare, EverKnight.

The once 'Hero' and descendent of the Rose Clan stood silently, silver eyes scrutinizing every last detail of the young man laying on the ground whilst his own cloak flowed with the ethereal winds of this realm. . .

EverKnight: Do you know who I am?

Izuku: . . . There isn't a person in the world who doesn't know you. . . (Nods)

EverKnight: Then you should know very well what. . . this 'world' is.

Izuku: . . . A nightmare.

EverKnight: (Chuckles) Precisely.

In reality, the madman was monologuing to the Heroes in Hosu, but here, under the influence of 'Nightmare', the power to manipulate one's mind. . . EverKnight stood before Izuku Midoriya. . .

EverKnight: As for how I know you are the Ninth Holder of One For All. . . Let's simply say. . . I know many things that I should not.

Izuku: (Flinches) . . . . . Breathe, just breathe. . . Just don't panic. . . Don't panic!

A sudden warmth encompassed him, despite nothing outwardly happening to the boy. His perception was simply altered to provide comfort, to keep him awake. . . Even so, the poor child was quaking, trembling. The immense pressure exuding off the monster made it abundantly clear that EverKnight could kill him at any moment, in an instant. . .

Izuku: What is this. . . Is this his Quirk?

EverKnight: I have no intentions of hurting you, Ninth. I simply wish to talk.

Izuku: Talk. . .? (Grits teeth) You killed a man. . .

And that man's blood still drenched him.

EverKnight: I suppose I did. That doesn't change my desire. . . Now, may I ask a question?

Izuku: . . . G-Go ahead. . .

EverKnight: Is there. . . anyone, anything that makes you feel envious?

Izuku: E-Envy. . .?

EverKnight: Yes.

The young hero hadn't felt that emotion in quite some time. What did he have to be envious of?

He had a Quirk, possibly the greatest Quirk anyone could have. He had a teacher, a mentor that happened to be the Number One Hero, the Symbol of Peace. He had a mother who loved him to death, the best mom he could ask for. And he had a best friend who would stick with him through thick and thin, no matter what. . .

Sure, he was under a lot of pressure, and he felt a bit jealous of his classmates for their easier time, but he admired them even more due to their aim of becoming heroes. . .

It was then that he remembered a time where things weren't always so great, a time when he was simply powerless to do anything but watch. . . He admired Heroes, so much that he desired to be one when it was damn near impossible for him to do so. . .

In retrospect, it was more than just childlike admiration. . . It was envy. Regardless of the pure intentions, he still desired everything Heroes had and more. Even now, that envy existed in the depths of his mind, brought to the forefront by the Living Nightmare's query.

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