Chapter None

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N fell into a deep dark place, he didn't know where it is, only that it's DEEP AND DARK.

"Where am I?" N looks around, confused and a bit nervous at his new surroundings, "Vee! Jay?" he calls out for his friends, but nobody came, "... it isn't like J to pull a prank and V is busy hunting most of the time... so who could have brought me here?"

He decided to search for an exit, he noticed a door at the end of the corridor. So he wandered over like some gmod ragdoll on a gmod machinima. And floppy do his way to the big double doors.

He then pushed them open and then was met with some daffodil-ophile.

Said flower snaps it's neck 360 only to realize it snapped it's neck too far so it turned 180 back to face N, "Howdy!"

"Holy biscuits it talks!" N has surprised pikachu response.

Daffodil gets serious, "Is that how you greet everyone?"

"Wha- uh no I'm just surprised that some tiny... thing, is talking. I thought only drones and humans could talk!" N shows surprise.

Daffodil looks snazzy, "Pfft humans don't go nothing on me!" Daffodil snakes itself closer to N and then looks up at his face, "Anyways want to learn about the Underground?"

"Uh, I would very much like to know the nearest exit." says N, wanting to reunite with his waifu and friend as soon as possible.

Daffodil looks sad, "Aw really? Little old me isn't good enough for you? Boo hoo."

"Don't cry!" N is kind.

"Shut up betch. I'ma roll out." Daffodil crunches up into compact ball and rolls into the next room.

N is dumbfound, "What just-"

"Salutations!" says a new voice.

N jumps for the sound of new voice. He turns and sees a Penny, a single United States Penny on the floor!

N picks it up, "Uh..."

"I am Penny! I am combat ready!" introduces the penny which identifies as what do you know, a PENNY.

"..." N is confused!

...N doesn't hurt himself in the confusion!

"This is really weird." N is confused.

Then something busts through the cave wall! It's a Super Tank from Red Alert 1! Oh wow!

"Unit reporting." says the MkI Mammoth Tank from my childhood nostalgia.

N looks surprised, shocked, and confused, "What's happening again?"

Then Lopez appears, " Dónde estoy?" then he notices N, "Oh, un compañero roboto."

"I don't think I can understand you, you said something about robots?" N is confused more.

Then a B1 Battle Droid shows up by no-clipping through the ceiling and finally touching the ground and being activated, "What's happening?"

"Commencing assault!" the Mammoth Tank blasts the B1 Battle Droid into pieces, it's massive blast sends forth a shockwave sending Lopez crashing into a wall and making N duck to the floor.

"It sure is windy around here." remarks Penny.

Then Daffodil appears again from the floor, "How-" only to be crushed under tank treads.

"We will bury them." says Mammoth Tank with deep soviet voice.

Then a terror drone appears, it is the terror. It explodes near Lopez destroying him. N is now afraid.

"Am I gonna die!?" the bean is in danger.

"PROTECT THE BEAN!" calls out a wave of Anons that surge into the place to protect N. Mammoth Tank rolls over half of them.

They begin to smack the tank with sticks and stones which don't break it's bones because it has no bones.

The tank laughs and blows up the Anons. N meanwhile advanced into next room.

In the room he encounters a goat.


N is now fearing for his sanity. He goes into next room and encounters frog.

Frog rabbits. N for fear of his life vaporizes it.

"What- I didn't want to do that!" N is going against author.

Mammoth Tank plows through wall. N now rushes through ruins and finally comes across a ghost of J.

"N, your worthless and pathetic-" but N doesn't let her finish because he yeet the penny at it.

"I thought we were frie-" the Penny explodes and ghost J dies cuz reasons.

Then a penguin appeared and nooted itself at N, only for him to dodge at the right time but then the penguin smacked him with its beak with a NOOT. But then tank rolled in and crushed it. Then tank blew up and send N crashing into the final stage of the underground.

Then he approached the barrier, broke it with his fists, went up to the surface and blew up. Destroying the world and living up to company policy.


[Back In Reality]

"And then everyone lived happily ever after. Yay." concludes V with an unenthusiastic voice with terrible hand waving.

V finished up the most craziest drug-fest story ever. N is clapping, but Uzi is just in utter shock at this. While the ghost of J is smirking for some reason.

"Nice one V!" N compliments V.

Uzi meanwhile gives him a funny look, "She just portrayed you in the worst way possible."

"She's new to this, don't judge her too hard. I mean this is the first time I heard a story! It sounded great!" replies N with a smile.

Uzi facepalms. V seems to look victorious. Ghost J realizes she was also portrayed horribly.

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