N In Poppy Playtime C1

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(A/N: First I'll cover Chapter 1. Then Chapter 2. I heard Uzi's VA also voices Mommy Longlegs so, that'll be an interesting encounter. -Unknown)

N wakes up.

"I can't wake up!" N realizes his eyes are not responding.

"Wake me up inside!" sings Doll, "Wake me up inside!" why is Doll here again?

"No seriously, my sensors are malfunctioning." N is blind, great.

"Your eyes are open." remarks Uzi, seeing as how N's "Eyes" are open and on the face screen, visor, thing.

N shakes his head, "Uzi, my eyes are those bulbs on the headband looking thing. Tell me which ones are red."

Uzi takes note of N's headband, all six bulbs are red, "They're red."

"Like one? Two?"

"All of them." Uzi is blunt.

N suffers panic attack, "All of them!?"

J however, thinks fast and slaps N, his senses return.

"Thanks J." N is grateful that being hit makes him somehow regain all senses.

"Don't mention it." J is serious about that.

Uzi slings her railgun across her back, "So, what's with this place?" looking up at the rather, odd ceiling of this factory.

J shrugs, "Something about finding the staff who vanished. If it were up to me I'd just burn this place to the ground, but apparently we need to find out why the staff disappeared."

V waves her hands in the air, totally sarcastic, "Yay~! So fun." she's bored. She wants to murder stuff.

So the, quadro? Whatever the term is for four people, move pass the reception area and enter the main lobby. Where they come across a TV. It explains how to use the grab pack, and whatever it is, V doesn't think much of it. Uzi looks semi-interested, mainly thinking if the hand grip has the power to pull a head off or something. N looks at it like a kid who finally discovered the way to drag the cookie jar off the refrigerator. J is trying to pry open the doors to the next room.

So, when the thing opens up, Uzi takes the grab pack, as expected. Because she wants to tear heads off humans like it showed on the TV recording device, thing. J is still trying to pry open the door.

N finally goes over to J and asks, "Can I help?" he's a nice boy.

J gestures towards the door, "Be my guest."

But Uzi meanwhile notices the hand print on the top and takes aim at J's head because that's the right thing to do apperently, 'Ha, time to-' but when she pulls the trigger, she strikes N's head instead and tears his head off. Uzi is wide eyed, "Uh, sorry N." meant to hit J with that.

V looks impressed, 'Huh, it really can tear off heads.'

J is in, mild shock and horror at the implications Uzi can use this thing for.

N however, grows back a new head, "Whoa..." he notices his old head in Uzi's grabpack hand, N points at it, "Did you just take my head off with that arm?"

"Holy crap." Uzi looks down at the head in the blue hand's grasp, "Wait, is this-"

N's old head suddenly becomes online again, "Hi!"

Uzi yelps and throws it at J.

"Ew what no?! Get it away from me!" J panics and throws it at N.

N catches his old head and looks at it, "Whoa, I look good."

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