N Plush The Documentary (Short)

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[A/N: Edit, removed the draft notes.]

[Narrator Riley: Here we have an N Plush in its natural environment...]

"Nu." an N Plush cuddles up a tree trunk and rests upon a branch, "Nu. Nu... Nuuu."

[Narrator Riley: The N Plush is in search, of a mate.]

"NuuuuuuuuuNuuuuuuuuuuuu!" the N Plush lets out a call.

[Narrator Riley: The N Plush lets out a mating call, heard throughout the forest.]

The camera angle changes to reveal a close up of a bush. It rustles slightly and then a V Plush waddles into view.

[Narrator Riley: A V Plush answers the call.]

"VeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeee!" the V Plush calls back.

The N Plush hears and leaps down the tree, scurrying towards the candidate.

[Narrator: The N Plush hurries to court this V Plush, for the survival of his bloodline depends upon him.]

The N Plush and V Plush meet, and nuzzle their heads together.

[Narrator: They perform an intimate snuggle that would share pheromones that will allow them to recognize one another, even detect where their partner would be over long distances. How this is possible I have no ****ing idea.]

The N Plush then mounts-


But J turns off the television before it can continue. V looks, oddly interested in the documentary, while N chokes on his popcorn. Who brings popcorn to watch a BBC documentary anyways?

Uzi then slowly turns and asks, "It was just getting good J, why did you- why?"

J scoffs, "N doesn't need to see this."

"N is an adult." reasons Uzi, "Or at the very least passes as one in robot terms."

N stands up, "I am ten years old! But I have done over two thousand missions for JCJenson ever since my date of creation!"

V looks impressed, "Wow I thought you were like, three or something, with how you act."

N sags back down onto the couch, his confidence has left him as if it were his soul.

"Oh? I thought he has just a few months old." J adds in her own two cents, this makes N sink into the couch so much he is now no-clipping into the backrooms.

Uzi shakes her head, women, this is why she'll never grow up. Staying a rebellious girl is better than becoming some immature woman... at least a child can act like a child. Adults are weird.

"Alright N-" Uzi then notices N is gone, "Wait, where's N?"

"Gone. Reduced to atoms, he will be missed." V takes up the carton of popcorn N left behind, plopping one into her mouth, "Hey this is good popcorn."

N suddenly no-clips back through the couch making J fall over in sheer surprise at the suddenness of N's return from the backrooms.

"Thanks V! Made them myself!" N is proud.

"Oh, cool." V please act more amazed. A second ago you were so impressed.

But V is looking more at N, no please don't tell you were interested in the documentary because of-

"..." Uzi feels a headache coming on, "I'm gonna go..." she points over her shoulder towards the door, "...out." she stands up, the pod is crowded enough as it is.

Never mind the fact the pod is now like the Tardis and has a whole living room, television, and other stuff than just a simple command center console and seats. It expands as the author sees fit. Hmm, maybe N could become the 95871th Doctor OC.

Uzi leaves just in time...

Just another fun time with murder drones.

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