The Breaking of the Fellowship

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Meanwhile at Parth Galen staring forward is Frodo staring at the boats his hand open to reveal the Ring while in the forest Sam running through the bushes calls "Frodo" Frodo looks down at the Ring then look up as a tears fell from his eyes he thought "I wish the Ring had never come to me" He stare forward "I wish none of this had happened".

He remembers Gandalf's words "So do all who lives to see such times but that is not for them to decide" He sees Gandalf in his mind "All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you" Frodo close his hand and puts the Ring in his breast pocket before he could move a voice said, "There you are".

Frodo turns to see Ruby arriving panting "You had me worried" But she notice his expression "What's wrong" Frodo said, "I'm going to Mordor alone, Ruby" Shock at this but Ruby said, "Not alone you are" She grab her bag and some Lembas sack she walks over to the boat "I'm coming with you" Frodo shake his head said, "I have to do this alone".

Ruby nods said, "I know you have to but I'm going to help you as well we started this now, we have to finish" Frodo sad said "Ruby" They hug each other than load the boat and push it on the water they climb in and start to row while Sam running, he arrives at the beach sees them said "Frodo, no" Ruby turns said, "It's Sam".

Sam starts to follow in the water said "Frodo" Frodo keeps rowing as Sam stops "Mr. Frodo" But Frodo said "No, Sam" Ruby didn't row looks to Frodo looking back to see Sam walking to them Frodo saw this said, "Go back, Sam" But Sam kept going "I'm going to Mordor with Ruby" Sam said, "Of course you are".

The water started to get deep "And I'm coming with you" Frodo watching said "You can't swim" Shocking Ruby who said "What" They watch Sam try to swim "Sam" Frodo and Ruby move to turn the boat around, but they look to see Sam submerge worried Ruby and Frodo both yell "SAM" Sam under the tries to swim up.

But he sinks he stares at the surface his arm raise but suddenly another hand hold his making Sam grip its Frodo with Ruby's help they pull Sam out of the water into the boat Sam looks to Frodo and said, "I made a promise, Mr. Frodo" Frodo and Ruby stare at him "A promise: 'Don't you dare leave him, Samwise Gamgee'".

They look at him "And I don't mean to" He sniffs "I don't mean to" Frodo said "Oh, Sam" Frodo hugs Sam with Ruby smile at them then joins hugging them both they let go "Come on" Ruby wipes her eyes said, "Let's grab an oar" They each took an oar and begin to road across the lake to the eastern shore.

Meanwhile after getting the arrows out of Boromir's body Legolas, Gimli, Yang and Aragorn place him in a boat his sword on his chest, horn at his side and his shield above his head the boat was push out towards the water heading for the waterfall then tips over going down the water Aragorn put on Boromir's gauntlets to honour him.

Yang and Gimli stood together sad, and Legolas push a boat he said "Hurry, Frodo, Sam and Ruby have reached the eastern shore" He stops to see none of them moving Aragorn lower his arm sighs he looks to the shore to see Frodo, Sam and Ruby all walking away "You mean not to follow them" Yang turns as Aragorn said, "Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands".

Yang said, "Ruby can take care of them on her own" Legolas turns towards the shore as Gimli sighs said, "Then it is all in vain" He walks over with Yang "The Fellowship has failed" But Yang shake her head said, "No it hasn't" Aragorn turn to them said "Yang is right" He walks to them and put a hand on Legolas and Gimli's shoulders "Not if we hold true to each other".

Gimli place his hand on Aragorn arm "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death" Yang smiles said, "Or Weiss and Blake" Aragorn said, "Not while we have strength left" They start to walk getting some supplies Yang ties her bag and the 2nd bag to her waist "Leave all that can be spared behind".

Aragorn sheath his dagger he and Yang stood at the forest "We travel light" They look to Legolas and Gimli smirking Yang said, "Let's hunt some Orcs" With that they both run into the forest as Legolas and Gimli look to each other Gimli smiles said "Yes" With that Legolas and Gimli both follow Aragorn and Yang into the woods to save Weiss, Merry, Blake and Pippin from the Uruk Hai.

Meanwhile Frodo, Ruby and Sam walk up a hill to see in a distance is Mordor they stare at the direction Frodo said "Mordor, I hope the others find a safer road" Sam looks to Frodo and said, "Strider will look after them" Ruby looks to Frodo and said, "So will my team" Frodo staring said, "I don't suppose we'll ever see them again".

Sam said, "We may yet, Mr. Frodo" Ruby look to him said "We may" Frodo smile said "Sam, Ruby..." He turns to them "...I'm glad you both are with me" Ruby and Sam smile back as Frodo turns back starts walking forward with Ruby and Sam following him heading for Mordor.   

The Fellowship is over time for the Two Towers

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