Gollum's Plan, Palantir and Arwen's vision

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Meanwhile in a forest Ruby, Sam, Frodo and Sméagol are all asleep but Sméagol said, "Too risky, too risky" His eyes are close "Thieves" He was talking in his sleep "They stole it from us" His face twitch "Kill them, kill them, kill them all" He wakes up screaming then Gollum said "Sh, quiet" He looks towards the trio "We mustn't wake them".

Gollum crawls down a rock "Mustn't ruin it now" Sméagol crawls over to the pond he said, "But they knows" He gets closer "They knows" He squats on the rock "They suspects us" He cover his face, but he let's go to see Gollum on the water reflection Gollum ask, "What's it say, my precious, my love" He smiles "Is Sméagol losing his nerve"?

Sméagol shake his head said "No, not" He shake his head again "Never, Sméagol hates nasty Hobbitses" He make an angry face "Sméagol wants to see them dead along with girl" Gollum smiles he said, "And we will" He got serious "Sméagol did it once" He tilt his head "He can do it again" Sméagol remember killing Déagol with hands chocking him.

Sméagol smiling evil he said, "It's ours" He growls "Ours" But then he got a frighten look "We must get the precious" He looks at Gollum "We must get it back" Gollum said "Patience, patience, my love" He move his head "First we must lead them to her" Smeagol smiles he said, "We lead them to the Winding Stair".

Gollum nods he said "Yes, the stairs, and then" Sméagol raise his finger said "Up, up, up, up, up the stairs we go..." He lowers his hand "...until we come to the tunnel" Gollum said "And when they go in..." He widens his eyes "...there's no coming out" He turn his gaze "She's always hungry" He stares "She always needs to feed".

He looks to Smeagol "She must eat" Gollum move his head a bit "All she gets is filthy Orcses" Sméagol raise his brows said, "And they doesn't taste very nice does they, precious" Gollum makes a disgusting face he said "No" He shake his head "Not very nice at all, my love" He stares "She hungers for sweeter meats".

Unknown to them Sam wakes up "Hobbit and girl meat" He sees Ruby and shakes her Ruby opens her eyes before she could ask Sam quiets her Ruby listen "And when she throws away the bones and empty clothes..." Gollum smiles "...then we will find it" Sméagol close his hand smiling he said, "And we take it for me".

But Gollum frowns he said, "For us" Sméagol realise his mistake he said "Yes, we meant 'for us'" He smiles Gollum coughs "Gollum, Gollum" He takes a breath "The precious will be ours..." He takes a rock "...once the Hobbites and girl are all dead" He drops the rock making ripples to reveal Sam and Ruby standing behind him.

Sam angry he said, "You treacherous little toad" He smacks Gollum while Ruby ask, "What do you mean us dead" Frodo wakes up to hear Sméagol cries he gets up as Ruby walks a bit forward as Sam grabs Smeagol who said "No, no, master" Ruby ask, "What do you mean" Frodo runs over said "No, Sam, Ruby".

Ruby moves back watch Frodo runs pass and pull Sam from Sméagol "Leave him alone" Sam looks to Frodo he said, "We heard him from his own mouth" He looks to Sméagol "He means to murder us" But Sméagol turns to them he said "Never, Sméagol wouldn't hurt a fly" He felt his head screams he points at Sam "He's a horrid, fat Hobbit..."

Sam glares at Sméagol breathing hard as Ruby and Frodo look to him "...who hates Sméagol..." Sméagol move his arm back "...and who makes up nasty lies and drags girl with him" But Sam said, "You miserable little maggot" He moves forward but Ruby and Frodo grab Sam "I'll stove your head in" Sméagol crawls back in fear.

Frodo said "Sam" Ruby helps said "Wait a minute" Sméagol crawls behind a tree Sam said, "Call me a liar" Sméagol raise his hand in fear "You're a liar" Sméagol screams as Frodo pulls Sam and he said, "You scare him off, we're lost" Sam said, "I don't care" He pants "I can't do it, Mr. Frodo" He stares at Frodo "I won't wait around for him to kill us".

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