Dunharrow, Elrond, Path of the dead

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Meanwhile at a place called Dunharrow, Rohan camps is seen a pair of soldiers move as riding through is Théoden, Éomer, Gamling, the captains, Aragorn, Yang, Blake, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and the soldiers one calls "Make way for the king" They ride forward Théoden raise his hand "Make way" Soldiers look towards Théoden as another calls "The king is here".

A third Soldier calls "My lord" Théoden looks raise his hand a fourth calls "Hail to you, sire" Théoden raise his hand again to him then he notices one of his captains he asks "Grimbold, how many" Grimbold calls "I bring 500 men from the Westfold, my lord" A captain calls "We have 300 more from Fenmarch, Théoden King".

But Théoden looks around then ask, "Where are the riders from Snowborn" A Soldier calls "None have come, my lord" Théoden continues to lead his company and men towards the mountain that had tents on top once they reach the tents, they start to climb off their horses Yang and Aragorn are walking looking around.

They stop next to Théoden who notice they look at the camps Yang ask, "How many turned up" Théoden said, "Six thousand spears" They stare "Less than half of what I'd hoped for" Aragorn said, "Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor" Théoden looks to him he said, "More will come".

Théoden turns to walk but Aragorn said, "Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat" Théoden looks at Aragorn who look at him "We have till dawn, then we must ride" Yang looks to Théoden she said "Aragorn is right, my lord, we must leave at dawn" Théoden nods in understanding then a horse neighs making Théoden, Aragorn and Yang all look.

A soldier tries to calm down the horse while Legolas, Gimli and Blake walk looking around seeing the horses and soldier's behaviour they notice Éomer walking with a saddle the trio stops Blake ask "What's going on around here" Legolas looking said "The horses are restless..." He looks to the soldiers "...and the men are quiet".

Éomer turns to them he said, "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain" The horses neigh more and the four looks to see a road going in the mountain Blake shudders a bit she said "I have a bad feeling about that place" Gimli ask "That road there..." They stare at it "...where does that lead" Legolas said, "It is the road to the Dimholt, the door under the mountain".

Éomer staring at the road he said, "None who venture there ever return" He looks at Legolas, Blake and Gimli then looks down "That mountain is evil" With that he turns while Aragorn walks to a boulder looking at the path, he watches a horse moving back as the soldier trying to calm it down, he pulls the horse to the side as a soldier runs by.

Suddenly a green ghost appears Aragorn stares at it but suddenly Gimli said "Aragorn" Catching his attention "Let's find some food" Gimli leaves as Aragorn looks back to see the ghost gone Yang walks to him looking at the road back, she asks, "You okay" Aragorn breaths said, "I thought I saw something" Yang looks back to the road then said, "Come on" She leaves with Aragorn who looks around.

Night-time arrive at Dunharrow in a tent Éowyn is kneeling in front of Merry who was wearing armour Éowyn smiles said "There" She stands up "A true esquire of Rohan" Merry smiles feels his helmet he looks down grab his sword pulls it out said "I'm ready" Éowyn moves back a bit surprise raise her arms chuckles.

Merry notices "Sorry" He looks at his sword and back "It isn't all that dangerous" He then look at the blade "It's not even sharp" Éowyn smiles said "Well, that's no good" Merry smiles "You won't kill many Orcs with a blunt blade" Éowyn holds the blade before turning Merry "Come on" They walk out of the tent Merry swings his blade "To the smithy, go".

Watching Merry run is Éomer and Gamling then Éomer said "You should not encourage him" He eats as Éowyn look to him she said, "You should not doubt him" Éomer leans back a bit he said, "I do not doubt his heart, only the reach of his arm" Gamling look down chuckle a bit then Éowyn ask "Why should Merry be left behind".

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