four //

535 33 1

"[m/n] finally shows up!"

[m/n] waved at his best friends with a smile, sighing as he sat down on the bench beside Koo Jungmo, the first boy he had met at the school. "I'm so tired, guys. I'm sorry if I've been a little absent, I'm a tutor now as well."

"We noticed," Bae Jinyoung said with an understanding tone. "Jihoon's a tutor as well and his day is practically packed. Heck, I haven't seen him all day, poor guy."

"I'm packed too, I have tutoring and student council stuff," [m/n] complained putting his head down on the wooden table. "Sometimes I want to just take a long nap."

"Ask Jinyoung to punch you," Jungmo joked, earning a laugh from the shortest boy. "You shouldn't overwork yourself like this. You're still just a high schooler — how will you have time to keep your own grades up?"

"The tutoring only happens every two days, so I have plenty of time for myself during self-study," [m/n] answered, eventually taking his bag off and putting it on the table. "Anyways, I have to tutor Kim Sunwoo. We're in the same class, so I guess that makes it easier, since we do the same work."

"I'm lucky to not have a tutor," Jinyoung sighed in relief. "I'm smart enough, see?"

"Not smart enough to tell other kids how to be smart, apparently."

"Listen here, Koo Jungmo—"

[m/n] gasped, suddenly standing up. "Oh my gosh, I need to see Choi Jisu! Sorry guys, I'll be back in ten minutes."

"What? [m/n]—"

"I'll be back, I swear!"

[m/n] scurried off, wondering if Choi Jisu would be in his class. A lot of the tutors were organising study material for the grades they'd be tutoring, but [m/n] had yet to do that. He scurried over to class 2, peeking into the class. He looked around, finding the senior he wad looking for.

"Choi Jisu, there you are," [m/n] said, walking into the class. He bowed gently, since he and Jisu were the same age.

"Ah, Choi [m/n]," Jisu greeted, closing his book that he had been previously writing in. "What's up?"

"You have to tutor Mashiho, right? The Japanese kid?" [m/n] began, sitting on Jisu's desk. "Well, he wants me to tutor him, since he's afraid of getting nowhere with you. Either we have to swap students, or you need to become a reliable tutor for him."

"Does he think he'll fail with me? [m/n], I'm the best guy out there," Jisu said, folding his arms with a frown. [m/n] didn't want to show that he disagreed, since Jisu really wasn't the best guy (Hwang Hyunjin was)."Look, I'll do good, okay? Don't worry about Mashiho, I'll pay special attention to him. You don't have to tutor him."

[m/n] sighed, a smile on his lips. "Thank goodness, because I'm packed with four students. Most of tbe tutors have three."

"I'll take one of them on, if you'd like — you're a busy guy, and it's understandable to have a little less workload on you," Jisu suggested. [m/n] seemed to nod and Jisu smiled. "Great. Just refer your student to me with the work he needs to do, I'll be in study hall A."

"Thanks so much, Jisu, you're a lifesaver," [m/n] smield, holding his hands for a moment before getting off the desk. "I'll be off now. I'll check which student I could send over, okay? I'll send the easiest kid."

"Hey, I could do someone difficult!"

[m/n] laughed, shaking his head as he left the classroom. He could refer Sunwoo to Jisu, but he felt that Sunwoo needed special attention, because he was an average scorer in all subjects. [m/n] wanted to bump up his average to at least 65 or closer to 70, so he needed to focus on the same-aged boy.

Speaking of Sunwoo…

"[m/n]-ah, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Sunwoo was running towards [m/n], a wide grin on his face. [m/n] waved casually, wondering what Sunwoo could want. "Is it an emergency?"

"Not really," Sunwoo said, stopping in front of [m/n] with heavy breathing. "Uhm… yeah. I wanted to spend lunch with you because I bought some snacks. We could, uh… d-discuss what we'll be doing in the tutor session."

"Oh," [m/n] hummed, widening his eyes. "That's actually a good idea. I just came back from Jisu, he'll be taking on one of my students because he's got a student with one subject to focus on. I would refer you, but… you're really broad on the help you need. I'll take you on."

Sunwoo grinend brightly, bowing deeply into a full 90°. "Please take care of me~"

"Ah, why are you being so formal?" [m/n] complained with a laugh. "Join me downstairs with my friends and we'll talk there."

"Y-your friends?"

[m/n] raised an eyebrow in confusion, but Sunwoo followed him regardless. The awkwardness disappeared, and Sunwoo was walking beside [m/n] like a puppy — looking everywhere in excitement and happiness. [m/n] hated to admit it, but Kim Sunwoo was quite adorable. He was handsome too — but [m/n] would never say that out loud.

If he did, he'd never hear the end of it from his brother.

They made it to the lunch hall and [m/n] quickly guided Sunwoo over to his friends. "I'm back, and Sunwoo is with me."

"You picked up a stray, how cute," Jinyoung joked, earning a shy smile from Sunwoo. "What'd up, though? You're usually upstsirs, aren't you?"

"We're going to sort out the study material," [m/n] said, opening his backpack. "Jungmo, if you need a tutor as well, just say so."

"I don't, I'm smart enough," Jungmo said quickly, turning away from [m/n] with burning cheeks. He was embarrassed to be caught staring at [m/n]'s actions as he took his books out.

"What are you struggling with, exactly?" Jinyoung asked, raising a hand to stroke Sunwoo's hair. "You don't look like you need a tutor."

"A-ah, I need to revise work," Sunwoo said with a smile. Jinyoung hummed and [m/n] stopped paging through his notebook, noticing Jinyoung's hand.

"Baejin, he needs to concentrate," [m/n] mutteredl, looking down at his book. Jinyoung drew his hand away, pouting slightly.

Sunwoo suddenly took his backpack off, opening it excitedly. "I bought snacks for us…!"

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