ten //

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[m/n] arrived at home with a warm heart and a big smile. He had gone on a date with the Hwang Hyunjin. It felt all so surreal as all the memories flooded his brain at once. They had gotten lunch and then spent the day at the arcade and in the shopping district before Hyunjin got his haircut. It was sad to see the iconic shoulder-length blonde go, but seeing Hyunjin with black hair again felt nostalgic.

They had to separate again later that evening, and [m/n] found himself at home closer to 6pm when his mother was just finishing up dinner. Beomgyu waited for him in the living room, his eyes big with excitement as [m/n] walked into their home.

"Oh, [m/n] is home," his mother announced with a smile as she wiped her hands on her apron. "How was your little date?"

[m/n] was about to deny that it was a date, but Hyunjin called it a date, so he smiled. "It went… well. We had a lot of fun."

"Someone needs to be thanked here," Beomgyu said, crossing his arms triumphantly. [m/n] rolled his eyes, tossing one of the couch cushions at his younger brother. "Hey! I deserve a 'thanks' or something!"

"Oh my gosh, thank you, Beomgyu," [m/n] groaned, rolling his eyes. "Now if you'll set me up on a date with Sunwoo—"


"Wait, I was joking! Put your phone away!"

"You two are as loud as ever," Mrs Choi sighed, shaking her head. "Dinner will be ready soon, angel. Beomgyu, set the table. [m/n], tell your father to come down. Oh, goodness, you both need haircuts."

"No!" the brothers exclaimed simultaneously, laughing when their mother looked at them with a shocked expression.

"Taehyun likes my hair."

"And my hair would look horrible without the curls."

"Your hair is over your eyes, sweetie," Mrs Choi said, crossing her arms. "You're in the student council, you need to look neat. A trim would do you good, [m/n]. I'll organise an appointment for a haircut."

Beomgyu laughed as he pointed his finger. "Haha, you have to get a haircut!"

"You too, Choi Beomgyu."

"Ah, Mom~!"

"So the senior MT trip is next week," [m/n] began as he folded his ssam wrap filled with kimchi and samgyeopsal, "and I still need to get some other stuff. Could Beom and I go out tomorrow for the other stuff?"

"You should money from your father and do the shopping tomorrow," Mrs Choi said, smiling mischievously at her husband.

"You and Sunwoo hyung can go together, since he's also a senior," Beomgyu suggested, stuffing his mouth with food. "Besides, I plan on sleeping in tomorrow."

"Lazy," [m/n] muttered, knowing full well he'd probably sleep in as well because laziness ran in the family. "I can do it online, since it's mainly snacks that I want that we won't be able to get that side. I want to get a new padded jacket, too, since I only have one for school."

"Oh, that could be good," Mrs Choi nodded. "I suggest getting the Eider one, since you like wearing no colours, it seems."

"I should get a sponsorship for that," [m/n] chuckled, eating another wrap.

"I can't wait for my senior trip," Beomgyu sighed, resting his head on his fist. "It's so boring right now, we just have to keep doing school work. Nothing interesting happens."

"You're still a freshman, though."

"Shut up."

"Beomgyu, don't speak to your hyung like that," Mr Choi reprimanded. "Or would you like me to tell your boyfriend how disrespectful you are?"

"I'm not disrespectful, I love [m/n] so much."


[m/n] arrived at school on Monday with light footsteps, ready to meet the other student council members with a smile on his face. In short, he was quite happy. His mood was elevated and he was sure he'd thing done much easier than on a regular day.

He arrived at the office, seeing only Heeseung and Yedam. "Good morning, boys. You're here early."

"Morning, hyung."

"I heard you went on a date with Hyunjin hyungnim," Yedam said with a smile. "So, how was it? I didn't think you and Hyunjin hyung would end up together."

[m/n] hummed in thought before giggling slightly. "Oh, we're not dating. We just… spent the day together. I went with him to get his haircut too, so it wasn't that much of a date, per se… but I enjoyed it."

"Today is the pride talk as well, just before the senior MT trip," Heeseung commented. "I'm sure you'll do well with the pride speech, hyung."

"Ah, I'm so nervous, but I'm sure it'll be okay," [m/n] sighed, sitting down at the table. "I'm sure a bunch of freshman don't know that I'm out the closet, since Yedam came here and only figured out out a month later."

"It's only been six months since we started school," Yedam chuckled, closing the book in front of him. "I'm sure there are some boys in our class that are queer as well, and you'll definitely give them some confidence."

"I hope so," [m/n] smiled. "I should be getting ready for that, but have you seen Hyunjin yet? We haven't seen each other in person since Saturday."

"I believe he's in the teacher's lounge," Yedam replied. "He has to get the marked papers from the mock test on Friday."

"Oh, makes sense," [m/n] said, standing up from the seat but leaving his bag. " I'll be back soon, don't wait up on me."

[m/n] left the room, closing the door behind him. The teacher's lounge wasn't too far from the council room and he didn't have to walk far. He saw some students that he knew and waved at them, as [m/n] always did. Before getting to the lounge, however, he saw a familiar brunette boy standing against the wall with earphones in his ears.

"Oh — morning, Kim Sunwoo."

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