twenty //

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The night fell, and it was the class's last night for the MT trip. It would be Sunday the next day, the day they'd leave to return to Seoul. Some of the boys got together to decorate the area with fairy lights, ribbons and paper origami made during the course of the day. [m/n] had decided to helo with the fairy lights on the top floor — and it just so happened that Hyunjin was son the top floor.

"[m/n]," Hyunjin sighed as he wrapped the fairy lights one last time and let the batteries rest on the barrier with a piece of tape. "We have some talking to do, you know? A lot of talking."

"If this is about my feelings for you, it's fine," [m/n] smiled, turning to him. "I actually have to apologise. I thought calling it a date would be fine, but it clearly made you uncomfortable. You're not ready for that kind of intimacy — and maybe it was a date, but not really. It's fine. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, and… I'm sorry for making you feel obligated to respond to my feelings. Think of yourself before you say your next words, because I'm fine with anything."

Hyunjin looked down at the floor, clenching his hands by his side. "You helped me, though. Without you, I wouldnt have realised that I'm… attracted to guys. I'm just… scared of the public opinion. I can trust you, though. I won't come out just yet — I'll take my time. And… I'm sorry, but… I don't feel the same, [m/n]. I'd like to stay friends, though. You're indispensable as a friend and student council member. You're absolutely great, and really adorable, so I hope… you find the right guy."

[m/n] chuckled. "I'm sure you know who that 'right guy' is, huh?"

Hyunjin smiled, his shoulders relaxing as he saw [m/n]'s smile. "You're okay? It's not a problem that I don't feel the same?"

"Why should it be? Hyunjin-ah, you're absolutely amazing and you're my ideal type, but… it can't be helped that you don't feel the same. I'm okay, and I'm sure I'll get over you," [m/n] nodded, a smile on his face. "You helped me realise how much I like Kim Sunwoo."

"Really, that guy?"

"I know, right? What a loser."

Hyunjin laughed and [m/n] followed, holding his hands in front of him. "Regardless, [m/n]… I hope you're happy, and I hope you stay so forever. I'm sure he'll make you happy."

"I hope so as well," [m/n] smiled. Hyunjin held his arms open and [m/n] grinned, leaning into the taller's arms and hugging him. "Just to make sure, Hwang Hyunjin… you'll never like me back, right? For now, I have no chance?"

"We can't say that, because my heart is ooen right now," Hyunjin answered, "but even if I liked you back, we wouldn't last long — you like Kim Sunwoo a whole lot more than you like me, because you're so afraid to tell him how you feel."

[m/n] felt his cheeks burn in agreement. "Yeah, you're right about that…"

"So tell him," Hyunjin smiled as he pulled from the hug. "Kim Sunwoo is fighting me right now, because he truly thinks that I want to be with you. He thinks you'll be happy with me, but… we all know you're inclined towards him."

"He's not even my type," [m/n] muttered, crossjng his arms. "I still don't know why I would ever like someone like Kim Sunwoo. He's loud, annoying, a scaredy-cat, a total loser with no friends apart from you and the other student council members, and he gives up easily."

Your type isn't as refined as you think," Hyunjin shrugged. "You want someone that makes you smile, and Sunwoo seems to do that a lot." The other became red again, proving Hyunjin's statement to be true. "Isn't that happiness? Finding a reason to smile that's beyond rational reason? Just him being Kim Sunwoo is what makes you happy. You don't want a defined, handsome, smart guy — you just want Kim Sunwoo. Right?"

[m/n] nodded slowly. "I do…"

"Then have him — find happiness," Hyunjin grinned, reaching up to ruffle [m/n]'s hair cheerfully. "You're his type too, I'm sure. You're a perfect match."

[m/n] looked down beyond the flat clearing, watching as Sunwoo helped with putting paper cranes on the empty bushes near the campfire site. "I'll… do it later."

"Attaboy," Hyunjin smiled. "I'll help if you want. How do you want to do it?"

Sunwoo had been bothered for a while about Bae Jinyoung, wondering why he looked at [m/n] with such a loving gaze. We're they reslky just friends? Or was he someone that Sunwoo would have to compete with as well? Bae Jinyoung was staight, though, so it didn't make sense that he had feelings for [m/n] as well. It wasn't fitting together at all, and Sunwoo was confused.

He eventually caught the older boy alone as he was returning to his dorm room. Sunwoo grabbed his wrist, stopping him from entering the dark room. "You like [m/n], don't you?"

Jinyoung was confused, tugging his wrist away. "What are you talking about—?"

"You said you care about [m/n], but I think you're a little too protective — something's up," Sunwoo said. "Just be honest with me — do you like [m/n] or not?"

"[m/n] is my best friend," Jinyoung replied quickly. "He's gotten hurt by a boy in the past, and it wasn't the greatest experience. [m/n] is a great kid, you know? He's soft, despite wanting to look tough and cool. This guy… really hurt him, and I've been cautious since. Watching him finally express happiness and open his heart once more made me happy. I enjoyed seeing him this way."

Sunwoo was frowning. "Then why'd you look at him like that…?"

Jinyoung laughed slightly, shaking his head. "Are you jealous? Just say so."

"I-I'm not jealous!"

"Yeah, okay," Jinyoung chuckled. "Look, I'm just an ally. I care about [m/n] a lot because we've been friends for years. I don't want him to get hurt. That's why I've lectured Hwang Hyunjin already. After his break-up, he deserves immeasurable love — as much sweetness as he can get. So — be there for him. Tell him everything you'll do for him, and keep making him smile. He likes you a lot."

Jinyoung finally turned around to walk into his dorm room closing the door behind him. Sunwoo felt his heart racing, unsure of what to do. All he knew was that he needed to somehow see [m/n] and tell him how he feels.

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