fifteen //

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The night grew to a close, and [m/n] had yet to find Hyunjin after everyone had settled in. He had left his room, as Jungmo had grown too tired to entertain him further and was now in search of Hyunjin. He could only think of Sunwoo suggesting that they talk things through. He wanted to know what Hyunjin felt, because apparently [m/n] was being obvious.

He hated that he was obvious.

[m/n] arrived at one of the side gardens, sitting down on a bench and checking the song that was playing through his Buds. It was a Shin Yong Jae song, so he just let it play because he rarely listened to ballads. He sat in silence, simply enjoying the sound of the music in his ears and the feel of the cool breeze against his cheeks.

"You'll get a cold out here."

[m/n] turned to his right as someone joined his side, smiling slightly as he paused his music. Kim Sunwoo sat by his side, sitting so that there was still some distance between them. [m/n] paused his music, putting his Buds into the charging compartment. "I think I'll be fine."

Sunwoo was quiet for a bit, and [m/n] had an opportunity to take in all the sounds of nature. The stream was much louder at night, as barely anyone was around. Sunwoo sighed suddenly, looking up at the sky with big eyes. "Pretty."

[m/n] looked up as well, his eyes falling on the stars that littered the sky like dust on a black surface. "You're right, it is."

"I meant you."

"Shut up, annoying ass."

Sunwoo laughed slightly, returning his gaze to the speckled endless ceiling. "Yeah, I guess it's pretty. Would've enjoyed stargazing with you, but… your heart is occupied by someone else."

"I'm not sure if it is, though," [m/n] sighed, lifting his legs to hug them to his chest. "Hyunjin is… complicated. For no reason. I'm sure it's because he isn't out the closet, or he was just being nice and I overthought it—"

"But you can tell the difference between a nice gesture and someone that likes you, right?" Sunwoo asked suddenly, earning a nod from the other. "And… did Hyunjin give a nice gesture, or a hint to his feelings for you?"

"I don't know, and that's the problem," [m/n] complained with a sigh. "He's just being nice, but he's also… leading me on. I like him, and I'm scared he doesn't like me back. Am I coming off too strong? Am I the one that's being weird? God, I hope I'm not chasing him away—"

"[m/n], relax," Sunwoo chuckled. "I'm sure Hyunjin likes you as well. Hyunjin wouldn't lead you on, even if he had no feelings for you. He's a… decent guy. He's probably afraid of his feelings."

[m/n] was quiet for a bit before looking over at Sunwoo. "But I can't ignore you either."

"How so?"

"You like me, don't you?"

"Yeah, well, I'm just some guy, don't worry about me," Sunwoo smiled softly, waving his hand dismissively. "What matters to me is that you're happy—"

"I told you — Hyunjin isn't my only source of happiness," [m/n] said quickly. "Besides, you're just selling yourself short by always promoting Hyunjin as this… solution to all my problems. He's the root of it all. Give yourself a chance as well."

"You probably won't be happy with me," Sunwoo sighed, looking down at his lap. "I'm just… Kim Sunwoo. Not anything interesting. I'm just… the guy that helps everyone out. I can never be Hwang Hyunjin. He's… the best, isn't he? I'm nothing special compared to him. He's smart, sociable, nice, handsome… the whole package. And I'll just disappoint you at some point—"

"Jeez, this is why you're so annoying." [m/n] stood up from the bench, standing in front of the slightly taller boy. "Sure, you're annoying and genuinely work on my nerves because you're presence is a surprise most of the time, but that's what makes you special. You're nice too. You're sociable too. You can be smart too. And you're definitely attractive. So stop putting yourself down, and give yourself a chance."

[m/n] was smiling, causing the other boy to smile softly. "I'd love to give myself a chance — especially for you — but… Hyunjin deserves you more."


"I'm serious, [m/n]," Sunwoo said. "I'm nothing but the guy that's… in love. That's all I am. I have no way to make you mine — because you want Hwang Hyunjin. I'm out of the picture. And… I might as well help Hyunjin get with you."

"Get the damn hint, Sunwoo, I thought I was being obvious." [m/n] was glaring slightly and Sunwoo was quiet, unsure of how to respond. [m/n] sighed, crossing his arms. "Everyone except you really knows what's happening. I don't… just like Hyunjin, okay? I'm very confused. Right now, and… it'll all come together soon. I just need to figure things out."

Sunwoo frowned and [m/n] cleared his throat, taking his phone out his pocket to look at the time. "Did you speak to Hyunjin?"

"Not yet, but I was hoping to see him now. Rather, I got the usual surprise and saw you instead," [m/n] said with a smile. "Keep surprising me, I might enjoy seeing you eventually."

Sunwoo watched as [m/n] walked away and smiled to himself, looking up at the sky. [m/n] bit his bottom lip, holding his phone to his chest. Every time he saw Sunwoo or when they talked, he grew more fond of him. Thinking about how he used to despise the boy, but now he genuinely liked having him around. He got to know why everyone liked Sunwoo — all while knowing Sunwoo himself.

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