seven //

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[m/n] didn't want to think about it, but with the way he was suddenly acting around Kim Sunwoo, he couldn't help but think that there was a possibility of him possibly being in love with possibly Kim Sunwoo. It was a large possibility, but he didn't want to think about the possible possibility.

[m/n] had a headache.

He realised that, yes, his gaze towards the taller Kim was a bit different from before. Sunwoo's bright smile stood out a bit more than usual, and his happy-go-lucky self was much cuter than he remembered. Kim Sunwoo was a bit more than his grades — he was a unique guy that was a people-pleaser.

[m/n] admired that someone could be so carefree. Sunwoo made any atmosphere lighter and it was proven during the meetings and their first tutoring lesson. It was a distraction, but a good one. He seemed like he'd walk off a cliff in excitement, and [m/n] found that trait absolutely adorable.

So yes, maybe [m/n] liked Sunwoo a bit more than he anticipated, despite initially thinking he was the most annoying person on the planet.

"[m/n] hyung, are you… okay?"

[m/n] was quiet as he stared down at the desk. "I wish I was."

Heeseung raised an eyebrow in confusion before nodding slowly. "I see… do you want to talk about it?"

[m/n] was quiet before he looked at Heeseung. "You know I'm out, right?" With Heeseung's nod, he continued speaking. "I… hated someone. He was still nice to me, despite me hating him, and now I'm rethinking my stance. Do I like him, or do I just feel bad for my past actions?"

"Is it Kim Sunwoo hyung?"

"Why do you automatically—?"

"It's obvious," Heeseung chuckled, pushing his glasses up. "I think… hm… you should give him a chance. Every time I see you two in the same room, you call him an idiot or a disappointment, or something along those lines. It was a little mean, but seeing as he was still so nice, I thought it was just an inside joke between you two. Hearing that you actually hate him…"

"I just said I feel bad about it," [m/n] whined, putting his head down on the table. "I mean… I still think he's an idiot, but… a cute… idiot…? I don't know, I'm confused and I don't know what to think about him…!"

Heeseung was still before reaching forward and gently patting his head. "Fighting."

[m/n] raised his head, pouting slightly. Heeseung laughed warmly, causing [m/n] to relax significantly. "I don't want to let this distract me, but if I don't think about it, it'll bother me until I do. But I just don't know what to do…"

"Well… why don't you give him a chance?" Heeseung suggested. "Start being nicer to him. I'm sure he'd appreciate it. You don't have to appeal to him if that's what you don't want to do, but some appeal would make him like you more, I think. Just a little appeal, because I think stuff like that doesn't matter to him. Sunwoo hyung is a simple guy."

[m/n] blew his lips, rolling his eyes slightly. "That's for sure. He's a giant dummy that can't think about complicated things for more than five minutes. Whatever. Woonggi said I should be a bit nicer to him as well. If I'm nicer to him, he'd find more reason to like me, he said."

"Woonggi? Cha Woonggi?"

"It's complicated."

[m/n] was somehow glad he wasn't as expressive about his sexuality like the other boys that were out to the school.

For example, Cha Woonggi. He was quite expressive as a gay guy and he didn't mind if others spoke about him or his relationships with guys (well, his current boyfriend Kyungho). Another really expressive boy was Lee Daehwi, who didn't really date anyone but would verbally beat someone up if they spoke up against him.

Last but definitely not least was Son Dongpyo. Even as someone that was out as gay, [m/n] quite feared him. He embodied the stereotypes and was okay with it. Everyone thought he was extremely pretty, and [m/n] thought so as well. [m/n] had been called a pretty boy once in a while as well, but not like Dongpyo has. He was confident, boisterous and proud of himself as someone of the LGBTQ+ community.

[m/n] was reserved, so he wasn't as open about it like the aforementioned boys. He, his brother and Son Dongju were out but barely anyone knew, as they kept to themselves most of the time, if not all the time. It was more of a secondary factor to themselves, which [m/n] was glad about. While he was proud to be gay, he was okay with not everyone knowing.

The few people that remembered (or were aware) of [m/n]'s sexuality, including his brother, were more than accepting and he was okay with that. Even his violently straight friend Bae Jinyoung was more than accepting and took no nonsense from anyone that was even slightly homophobic. He was the greatest ally and [m/n] truly appreciated him.

However, Kim Sunwoo was completely blank. He had no hate towards the community, but didn't express any real allyship except trying to get closer to [m/n]. Even if [m/n] wasn't sure about his feelings, he started to wonder if Kim Sunwoo actually liked guys or he was just being nice to prove that he was an ally.

It only made him more confused.

[m/n] sighed to himself, clenching the clutch pencil in his hand tightly. He wanted to they being nicer to Sunwoo — it was the least he could do. Perhaps he would be able to see if he liked him or not, and start figuring things out properly. Heck, he still needed to figure out Hwang Hyunjin.

"[m/n]-ah, let's go! Classes start soon!"

"I'm coming!"

flowering // tbz k.sw x male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora