twenty one //

355 23 1

[m/n] found himself on the second floor of the dorm, his arms resting on the cold metal banister that had been decorated by the fairy lights. His eyes searched for the brunette, somehow unable to find him. He grew worried — where had Sunwoo disappeared to? He was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Hyunjin. Their plan was commencing a lot slower than he hoped.

His eyes widened when he was Hyunjin coming down the path, Sunwoo walking beside him. He and Hyunjin made eye contact and [m/n] nodded standing up straighter. Hyunjin said something to Sunwoo and the brunette nodded before Hyunjin walked off, slyly nodding at [m/n] and whispering 'fighting' before heading to the teacher's quarters.

[m/n] inhaled sharply as Sunwoo looked at him, finally noticing him. "Yah! Kim Sunwoo!"

Sunwoo looked at him, his eyes bright as he smiled widely. A couple other students looked at them, curious about what was about to unfold, which just made [m/n] more nervous. "Yes, Choi [m/n]? You're very far away!"

"I have something to tell you!" [m/n] exclaimed, his hands almost shaking nervously. Sunwoo nodded, a bright look still in his eyes. "I… I hated you a lot, because you were the exact opposite of my ideal type. You're an idiot that just knows how to be a helping hand to everyone, making no noteworthy achievements since I've met you. You're a loser with no friends, and you're annoying every time I see you. I thought I'd hate your forever."

Sunwoo laughed slightly. "I'm glad you think of me that way!"

"But!" [m/n] exclaimed, his voice slightly shaky. "I changed! I tried being nice to you, and… you were nice this whole time! I called you annoying, pushed you away and even now I still called you a loser! You stayed there the whole time, and kept making me smile! You're an idiot that only knows how to be nice, and sometimes that's more than enough!"

Sunwoo stepped closer, but only past the bushes that were outside the dorm. "Is that all you wanted to say, Choi [m/n]?"

"Kim Sunwoo I… I like that you make me smile!" [m/n] said eventually. "You… you're my source of happiness, and there's no one else like you." He suddenly smiled brightly, leaning over the ledge. "Yah, Kim Sunwoo, idiot! I like you! Be my boyfriend!"

Sunwoo nodded immediately, his eyes sparkling as if he was a kid that had received the best present in the world. "I like you too!"

[m/n] felt his heart beating wildly in his chest as he turned around, running down the staircase to the outside. He stood below the stairs, making fated eye contact with Sunwoo. He hesitated, his breath catching in his throat. Was this the right move? Would Sunwoo be the right choice? Sunwoo's childlike grin pulled together his once broken heart — and he ran to him.

Sunwoo held his arms open and [m/n] ran straight in, almost making him stumble and fall. Sunwoo held him tightly, his arms holding [m/n]'s waist tightly. [m/n] had his arms around Sunwoo's neck, holding him in a warm embrace.

"You're not lying, right?" Sunwoo muttered. "Because I really like you."

[m/n] pulled from the hug, leaning forward and kissing Sunwoo's cheek. The other widened his eyes in shock and [m/n] laughed, pulling from the hug. "Today is our first day, Kim Sunwoo. I'm sorry for being a big meanie. I could've been nicer to you, but… this wouldn't have played out as perfectly if I was."

Sunwoo smiled, pressing their forehead together ever so gently. "I really like you, Choi [m/n]. Give me the chance to be the best boyfriend ever, and I promise I'll love you to the best of my ability."

"You don't need to make any promises, Sunwoo," [m/n] smiled, tilting his head as he put his arms around Sunwoo's neck, "because you're the one for me."

He leaned forward and Sunwoo met him in the middle, pressing their lips together in their first kiss. It was shy and careful, but everything felt right. [m/n]'s heart melted at the warmth of the kiss, and Sunwoo was careful. He didn't know what to do with his hands. [m/n] giggled, pulling away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry, that was our first kiss," Sunwoo laughed, covering his face with his hands. [m/n] turned away, trying not to laugh too much as his ears burned in embarrassment. "I'm glad, you know? That you chose me."

"Hyunjin rejected me, and I was okay with it because I liked you more this whole time," [m/n] replied finally looking up. "If you don't take care of me, Jinyoung will find you, by the way — so I hope we can keep each other happy and last for a long time."

"I'll never let you go, Choi [m/n]," Sunwoo smiled, putting a hand to his cheek. "And what do you mean 'loser'? I have friends!"

"It was a success!"

The newly made couple turned to their left, seeing Hyunjin and [m/n]'s three friends standing as a little group with pride on their expressions. Jinyoung's expression was more neutral, but he was still smiling. [m/n] waved to them excitedly, suddenly hugging Sunwoo's arm. "Guys, I have a boyfriend!"

"We saw everything, practically everyone saw," Jihoon teased, causing the two to look down shyly. "Ah, you're cuter than I thought when you're together."

"Let's celebrate by the fire — I put sweet potatoes in earlier, and they should be ready," Hyunjin said with a grin.

The boys gave minimal cheers and followed the now black-haired boy. [m/n] grabbed Sunwoo's hand, looking at him with a wide smile. "Let's be happy together, Sunwoo-ya."

"Of course," Sunwoo nodded, his grin never vanishing. "I didn't think I'd end up with you, to be honest. I really thought you'd pick Hyunjin, which is why I was so adamant on getting you two together. I'm a little surprised that you'd… choose me."

"Silly," [m/n] smiled, resting his head against his shoulder. "For a while, you've been my choice. It's a sweeter situation to be with you. I'll always be here for you, Sunwoo. When you're feeling down, or whatever — don't worry, because I'll be there. I'll even help you pass your exams."

Sunwoo smiled, putting his hand into his pocket with [m/n]'s hand as well. "Thank God, because we need to graduate together."

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