fourteen //

355 27 1


"Yah, Choi Jisu!!"

[m/n] only laughed as the boys scattered around, finding the optimal spot to relax or go into the water. They had an hour and a half to mess around before they had to meet back at the lodge to sort out rooms and begin preparing for the barbeque.

The only water source they had was a long stream which spread out at some parts. Others played recreational sports, took a hike or walk, or went to the stream to mess around. It was nearing the end of autumn, so it was quite chilly, but it was nothing a padded jacket wouldnt fix. [m/n] didn't know what to do, but he needed to stay near the lodge to be available when the prefects finished up the rooms.

[m/n] sat on the patio on one of the seats, staring out at the scattered students while he sat with his legs to his chest while he listened to music and read an e-book. He felt a presence beside him, watching as Jinyoung sat beside him. [m/n] frowned as he paused his music. "Why are you here? I said to have fun with the others."

"It's no fun when you're not there," Jinyoung shrugged. "Besides, you look lonely. At least I had half a heart to come here to you."

"Yeah, okay, Mr Righteous," [m/n] chuckled, lockimg his phone and holding in to his chest. "I hope we get the same room, I want someone I'm familiar with. And someone that will keep the gross boys away."

"Has anyone approached you? I swear, I'll kick their butt—"

"Not anyone," [m/n] laughed, shaking his head. "Well… I hope it's okay if I… like someone, right?"

"Of course, feelings are natural at this age," Jinyoung nodded. "I have no problem if you like someone, just no one must touch you. You're small and precious, and we can't lose you to some asshole."

"He's not an asshole — everyone likes him," [m/n] sighed, looking down at his hands. "Well… I didn't decide yet. I don't know who I like. One of them… makes things awkward, while another just… wants me to be happy."

"Well, then I'd go for Sunwoo."


"You're obvious."

[m/n] avoided eye contact, his ears slowly burning red. "I thought I wasn't obvious…"

"You're painfully obvious, trying to push him away," Jinyoung laughed, poking [m/n]'s cheek. "Listen, I know you spoke to Woonggi. I heard him talking about you to your brother during lunch. I just happened to overhear, don't worry. I picked up who it was immediately. I have some advice as well — think carefully, but don't overthink it. Listen to your heart."

"Well, what if I don't like listening to my heart?"

"At least trust yourself a bit more," Jinyoung shrugged. "You're… unsure of things. Hyunjin let you down. It won't account for how he'll treat you in the future. And Sunwoo… he's ready to love you. He wants you to be happy. So… what do you want, Choi [m/n]?"

[m/n] sighed, resting his head on his knees as he hugged his legs to his chest. "I don't know… Sunwoo deserves more than me…"

"[m/n], you're more than enough," Jinyoung smiled. "Take it from a best friend."

[m/n] smiled, shifting over to rest his head on Jinyoung's shoulder. "Love is tiring. It's a tiring emotion. Why did I have to catch feelings now…?"

"You're exploring, and that's okay," Jinyoung smiled, ruffling [m/n]'s hair gently. "You're cute, hey? I can see why those two guys like you."

[m/n] chuckled, suddenly standing up and holding his hand out to Jinyoung. "Shush, you're being weird. Let's take a walk, Baejin. We both need it, it seems."

"A walk? [m/n] never exercises, wow."

"Shut up."

"Room 1-7 goes to Choi [m/n], Koo Jungmo and Choi Bomin."

[m/n] cheered slightly, high-fiving the tall boy beside him. "Assa, I knew we'd end up together."

"Betrayed," Jinyoung muttered, earning a playful punch from [m/n].

"Right," the teacher called out, "settle out in your rooms and then the representatives of each class will do the cooking. The rest will go to the large hall where we'll play some games. Remember to bring your notebook and pen for some games."

"[m/n], come help with the grilling!"

"A-ah, I'll be there in a moment!"

"I'll take your bag," Jungmo suggested, holding his hand out.

[m/n] handed his mini luggage bag to Jungmo and ran over to Hyunjin. "Did something happen to one of the barbeque team members?"

"Jaemin fell into the stream, so he'll join about halfway through," Hyunjin explained as they began walking to the kitchen area. "I'm glad you're being so helpful today, because things would fall apart without you."

"You guys need me," [m/n] grinned, earning a knowing laugh from the taller. [m/n] seemed to think for a moment before he grabbed Hyunjin's sweater sleeve. "Hyunjin-ssi, I… we should talk later, okay? We can't keep ignoring it."

Hyunjin nodded slowly, as if he was hesitant. "You're right. It's a little selfish of me to ignore it. Later — after dinner, okay? Somewhere we can be alone."

[m/n] looked down, his expression turning slightly sour before he sighed. "Why are you so afraid?"

"I'm not afraid."

"Yes, you are," [m/n] laughed cynically as he looked at Hyunjin again. "Stop being so afraid of everyone. So what if people say things? It's better than lying to yourself and experiencing sexuality dysphoria to the point where you doubt yourself. Don't let that happen." He then thought about Jinyoung's words. "Trust yourself a bit more."

Hyunjin was quiet before he walked ahead with a sigh. "We'll talk later."

[m/n] felt his heart crumble. He sighed, wondering if he'd ever be able to convince Hyunjin. It seemed difficult, but he needed to concentrate on the trip and making it as enjoyable as possible for everyone, including himself. He smiled a bit, seeing that Sunwoo was already in the kitchen to help, even if he wasn't part of the cooking crew.

He'd help out, anyways.

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