GENOCIDE! | Chapter 8

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Octavius: Huh, snow just like last time.

Octavius looks down at his device on his wrist and the screen is just black.

Octavius: Of course, i'm not surprised, well, I better get used to my new home, as i'm going to be here for a while:

Phillip (in the distance): I think I came from over here!

Octavius: Nice to know i'm not alone here.

Octavius then saw someone running at him with guards following the man, Octavius just stood there letting them come to him. The people finally got to Octavius and they were out of breath as it was hard to run in the snow, after getting their breathes back they introduced themselves.

Phillip: Sir! what are you doing out here!? don't you know someone is out for blood!?

Octavius: No I don't, i'm new here.

Phillip: I'm Phillip! supreme ruler of the Royal Guard! and it my job to take you to safety!

Octavius: Nice to meet you, and why?

Phillip: Don't you know? there is a demon in this land! we have to get you to safety and through the barrier!

Octavius: A demon? well that sound scary, lead the way sir. (I better play along, don't want to cause trouble.)

Phillip: Right! this way!

Phillip leads the way and Octavius and the guards follow him, they get to Snowdin and the whole place was on fire, with no one around.

Octavius: Did the demon do this?

Phillip: It did! everyone is peaceful here! no one would ever do this!

Octavius: Interesting...

They walk past the burning buildings and continue to follow Phillip, Octavius decides to ask a few questions while they're walking.

Octavius: So who are your two guards?

Phillip: The one to the right of you is Undyne, she's second in command.

Octavius: Nice to meet you ma'am.

Undyne: Nice to meet you too sir!

Phillip: And the one to the left of you is Papyrus, he's third in command.

Octavius: Nice to meet you sir.

Papyrus: Nice to meet you too sir!

Phillip: And what's your name? and seeing as you aren't from here, just like that other thing, what universe are you from.

Octavius: Universe?

Phillip: I know all of the universes, you might be able to help if you tell me which one you are from.

Octavius: I'm Octavius, and i'm from the universe of Death.

Phillip stops and they all stop, he then turns around and faces Octavius.

Phillip: What universe?

Octavius: Death universe.

Phillip: I thought that universe died out so long ago.

Octavius: It did.

Phillip: How old are you? because everyone from the Death universe should be dead, but you aren't.

Octavius: 12 billion years old.

Phillip: And your name is Octavius?

Octavius: Yes.

Phillip: But I thought he died in that supernova.

Octavius: Who ever told you that story, has it all wrong. I was chasing some particles that had escaped and they flew into a supernova, and I got hit by it and now i'm immortal. How do you know about me?

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