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Instead of taking my usual seat next to West, I took a seat next to Theo. Theo is the only boy that I've seen talk to Jeremy. I've talked to Theo once or twice so he shouldn't be too weirded out.

"Hey Theo, do you mind if I-"

"Nope not at all," he said while writing down what was already written on the board.

I took a seat only to realise West was staring at me confused. I drew a circle in the air mouthing the words "turn around," he furrowed his eye brows and did as I said, or mouthed.

"Are you friends with Jeremy?" I tried sounding clueless.

"Yeah whys that?" Realisation spread across his face, "really? You're sitting with me just so you can ask - ahhh typical," he chuckled shaking his head.

"No I just, like wanted, um to see, you know..." I just couldn't find the words, "okay you got me but please don't say anything to him I just want to know what he's like."

"In bed? That's something you'd have to see for yourself, or you could ask her," he snickered while gesturing towards a girl across the room.

Her hair was a chestnut color and tied into a messy bun. She had thick rimmed classes that were too big for her face and her nose was a little too upturned making her look snobby. I heard she was one of the smartest girls in the grade so my expectations of her were blown out of the water.

"They had se-"

"Nah I was joking," he cut me off with intentions of shushing me. "Not yet they haven't, but they're planning to."

I sighed as I felt my hopes drop a little. I went back to balancing chemical equations to distract myself from thoughts of Jeremy and Niamh.

"Are you jealous?" He smirked eyeing me.

"Why would I be jealous? Look at me," I retorted not moving my eyes from the page.

"You are pretty attractive Paisley, but you're still not the one with Jeremy's attention." He chuckled at his own words while I weeped on the inside.

Smell that? That's the smell of me being brutally roasted. Paisley roast anyone?

"He's been talking to her for a while, at first I thought he was just going to use her to help him with school, bump his grades up a bit but I don't think that's the case anymore. I mean he only really needs to talk to a girl for about a week, hit it then quit it. But they've been talking for about a solid four months now."

I was in complete awe. I still want Jeremy but I don't want to be a home wrecker.

"Only recently there's been another girl popping up on his phone. Her names, um, I can't remember but she's pretty hot," he said in thought.

"Him and Niamh though... Why haven't they if they've been talking for so long?" I questioned trying not to sound jealous or nosey.

"I'm sure they've done other things but I have no idea. Maybe she's changing him?" He continued sarcastically, "don't worry he'd tell me if they had."

"Okay Theo," I mumbled. "Thanks for letting me sit here." I lazily packed up my books and headed for the door not paying attention to West.

Man if she's changing him can she at least wait until after I've had sex with him. Then I can be satisfied and they can live happily ever after.

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