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It was two in the afternoon and Jeremy and I had just finished counting, or at least trying to count, the flour beetles.

"I can't believe there's 46 beetles and more than 200 larvae in the organic flour. Looking at the larvae infested flour puts me off pancakes." I grabbed hold of my stomach.

"Speaking of larvae pancakes would you like some food?" He chuckled.

"Yes please." I followed him eagerly to the dining room and sat crossed legged at the table.

After only a few minutes he placed a plate down in front of me, "only the finest food in my pantry."

I laughed at how cute this was. "How did you know? Nutella sandwiches are my favourite!"

"Fine food for the fine girl," he said in a lame posh accent.

"There's only one thing wrong... You cut my sandwiches into squares, I only like them in triangles."

"Oh shut up." He took a seat in front of me, "So ah, did you have a good night on Saturday?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yeah pretty good, you?" I didn't bother meeting his stare.

"Yeah, great." I knew what he was trying to get out of me, I just wanted to make him say it. "You and Henry hey?"

"Mm he's pretty nice." I took a bite into my sandwich.

"He any good? In bed?" Bingo, there it is.

"What makes you think I'd know?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh cut it out Paisley, everyone saw him take you to his bedroom, he was looking around for you the whole night, everyone already knew it was going to happen!" He was getting frustrated.

"It didn't happen, whatever it is." I shot him the worst look.

"As if I'm going to believe that you didn't sleep with the most popular, good looking senior in our school."

"I didn't, I'm offended you think I would so easily." I lied, of course I would've slept with Henry Miller... If only I wasn't so determined on getting with Jeremy. "Whatever don't believe me, but ask Vanessa or West or even Henry, they know I didn't."

"I heard something was going on between West and Vanessa, well that night anyway." I knew he wanted to change subject.

"Nooo," I laughed. "Look that doesn't matter, can we talk about something else?"

"Like?" He questioned back.

"Did you and Maddison have a good night?" I asked amused.

"Yeah she was all over me, couldn't get her off." A smug smile spread across his.

"Okay, okay enough I don't wanna hear anymore," I demanded putting my hands over my ears.

"Well you asked," he shrugged.

"Yeah okay remind me not to ask about you and Maddison, or you and any other girl for that fact." I licked my finger using it to pick up the crumbs off my plate.

He gave me a confused look, "whys that?"

"Don't wanna know about them and what you do with them."

"Jealous, cute," he laughed.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just not into vomiting in my mouth when I hear about all your conquers," I sassed puffing my cheeks out.

We made our way from the kitchen to his bedroom. I know what you're thinking, that's what I'm thinking, but no not like that. He took his usual place at his desk and I spread myself out on his bed.

"What's your count?" Jeremy asked, making me spring up to a sitting position.

"My count?"

"Yeah like how many people have you slept with?"

"Yeah I know what it means, I'm not telling you," I hissed defensively.

"I'll tell you mine?" He offered.

"I don't care what your count is, I'm still not saying mine." I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Whatever, well I'll tell you mine anyway."

"Okay..." I was a little curious.

"Eight," he said confidently.

"Jeremy! You're 16 and you've slept with eight girls!? That's a number that's half your age!" I didn't know why I was so mad. I didn't even know why I was shocked, I'd already been warned about the kinda boy he is.

"I turn 17 in just under four months, you reckon I could sleep with eight more girls before then?" He smugly questioned.

"Yeah actually I do think you could. But I'm not letting you!"

"How are you going to stop me?" He laughed.

I just stared at him. I knew I couldn't stop him. I wasn't jealous. Okay maybe I was. I flopped myself back down on the bed.

After a few minutes he broke the silence, "Paisley, I'm not going to try sleep with another eight girls. I have Maddison and I see us together for a while..." Well there goes all my chances of having sex with Jeremy.

Eight Boy (Jeremy Shada)Where stories live. Discover now