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"I'm calling the deal off," I quietly announced to Vanessa.

"You can't do that," She argued.

"Yes I can, he's happy with Maddison. I don't want to come between them."

"You're just chickening out because you know I'll win," she beamed. I really wasn't in the mood to defend my reasoning.

"Whatever you can have the stupid $20."

"Someone's in a mood," she mumbled. She awkwardly shifted and put her unfinished lunch back into her bag, "I'll see you later." I watched as she walked off.

"Hey Paisley, can I walk you to biology?" Even though I saw Lincoln on Saturday I still missed his perfect, pearly white smile.


"Is everything okay?" He asked, keeping his eyes glued on me as we walked. My heart fluttered at Lincoln's question, boys like Lincoln surprise me.

"Yeah." I really didn't mean to short answer him.

"Post holiday depression huh?"

I smiled at his words, "yes Lincoln."

"Knew it," he smiled. We reached biology early not realising that there was still five minutes left of recess. We both stood in silence, I laughed to myself watching the younger girls drool over Lincoln. "What?"

"Oh nothing." I shook my head.

"You looked nice on Saturday by the way." He ran his fingers through his wavy, dark blonde hair.

"Lincoln, I look nice every day," I joked. "Kidding but thank you though. You looked good too."

"Everyday too," he chuckled. His cheekiness was kind of attractive.

"Yeah." I closed my eyes and smiled. "Do you know much about Lani?" I asked changing the subject.

"No, not really but she asked me to get a photo with her at the party."


"I guess so, it was a little awkward," he laughed.

"Nah you're just awkward." The bell sounded and within two minutes everyone was waiting to be let in. The door swung open and Mister Oakley handed us permission slips as we entered. "Biology camp?" I mumbled to myself not realising Mr. Oakley heard.

"Yes biology camp, as it says it takes place in the second last week of term which is six weeks away. Your next assignment will be based on camp and will be completed and handed in, in the last week. So all biology students will need to attend the camp." He announced to the class.

"I can't go." I placed the sheet onto the desk frustrated.

"And why's that?" Mister Oakley questioned.

"I have no girl friends in this class."

"It's okay she can be in my cabin, sir," said a boy I didn't know the name of. The surrounding students laughed at his clichéd attempt of a joke.

"Looks like you'll have to make friends," Mister Oakley said before reading aloud the camp sheet.

"This is going to be good," Jeremy whispered leaning close to me.

"Whatever, is Maddison in the other biology class?"

"Nope, so she won't be on camp. It's probably better if she isn't."

"Probably," I muttered. I didn't quite understand what he meant by that.

The rest of the lesson we spent working on our assignments. "Assignment drafts are due next week," Mister Oakley informed the class as we filed out.

"How much have you done?" Jeremy asked.

"Most of it," I lied. "You?"

"Yeah same, well see you tomorrow." He half smiled before walking to his next class. He just half smiled at me, like, in front of people.

I hated the fact that he wasn't in more of my classes, I'd have to wait to see him again tomorrow in math.

"Paisley, you're sitting next to me right?" West asked once I reached the door to chemistry.

"Yeah of course." I followed him to our table catching the eyes of Niamh. I didn't know what else to do but smile, that was probably a mistake because she just glared. "Um okay..." I whispered to myself.


"I smiled at her and she just glared at me?"

"Why would you smile at her? She's weird."

"Shut up Xavier, you're weird." I shoved him in the arm.

"Why are you sticking up for her? She obviously doesn't like you," he teased.

I didn't say anything because that seemed true, instead I rolled my eyes.

"Have you talked to Henry since the other night?" West asked distracting me from the sheet we had to complete.

"No." I hadn't gotten his number and he hasn't tried messaging me on anything, yet anyway.

"Aw poor Paisley," he spoke in a jokingly sad tone.

"Your night seemed pretty interesting," I giggled, putting the pressure onto him. "When Henry opened the door to his room I didn't expect you and Vanessa to be-"

"Shhh people can hear you," he cut me off. I laughed at his flustered state.

"Aw poor Xavy all red," I mocked.

"Paisley," Theo called from his table, Mister Whitman was too caught up in his work to notice.

"Mm?" I turned towards him.

"You're going to Jeremy's this weekend right?" I saw Niamh sharply look up from her work in the corner of my eye.

"Yeah for-"

"Sweet," he said cutting me off before letting me clarify that it was for school purposes only. It's like Theo did that on purpose except he's a boy and boys don't really think too much into what they're saying half the time.

OKAY SO this story says on hold but I've decided to release this chapter, this one will be updated slowly for a while because I'm writing another Jeremy Fanfic called FATAL and I'm really liking that one at the moment so please go read that one toooo!!! XOXO

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