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"Are you doing anything later on?" Jeremy asked, holding the door to his house open.

"I don't think so, why?" I led the way up the stairs to his bedroom. I never ignored the baby photos of him on his walls. "Aw is this you?" I looked at one I hadn't really noticed before.

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something, and yeah that's me and my brothers, I'm that one." He pointed to the youngest boy in one of the framed pictures.

"We've been hanging out all day and we have to get this assignment done," I reminded him. "I didn't realise you have brothers?"

"Okay fine I'll drop you home soon then," he replied a little frustrated now, I really didn't like his moods swings but I was quite used to them. "Well yeah I do." He gripped my arm and pulled me the rest of the way up the stairs.

"Let go of me, I'm coming," I replied equally as frustrated, I wasn't a little kid, he didn't need to force me up the stairs.

"You will be," he murmured. I stopped right before his door and my eyes grew wide. I felt as though I wasn't supposed to hear that.

"Jeremy?" I questioned, my voice at a higher pitch than usual.

"What?" He snapped, turning to face me.

"Why are you so frustrated?" I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes. He took larger steps towards me and I felt like a deer in headlights.
He pushed my up against the hallway wall, his face only inches from mine.

"You're the reason why I'm so frustrated," he spoke in a hushed tone. His hands were placed either side of my head while I was still frozen and a little dizzy from my head meeting the wall. He leant his head in a little closer so our noses were touching and I sucked in a short breath causing him to pull himself away. "Sorry," he muttered before turning swiftly and walking back into his room. I was still acquainted with the wall as I needed a few seconds to catch up.

"What do you want to do?" I hesitantly asked before sitting in my usual spot on his bed.

He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair before clearing his throat, "how about I take you home now?"

"What?" Confusion was plastered on my face. "What about the assignment?"

"It's pretty much done, I'll send you everything tonight. Let's take you home." He rose from his seat and walked to his door.

"Everyone at mine is busy today so they're probably not home. Can you just drop me at the mall?"

"Okay." He exited his room and I followed annoyed that he wanted me out of the house when I hadn't even done anything wrong.

Lynette drove us to the mall and it was quiet the whole way, I think Lynette felt the weird tension in the air as well. "I hope you had a great time with us today and enjoyed lunch, Paisley."

"Yes I did thank you, thanks for dropping me here as well, nice meeting you." I smiled at her ignoring Jeremy before I shut the car door. I had no idea what I was going to do at the mall by myself for a few hours before I could even consider calling to get picked up.

I searched my purse which is more like a pouch or a small bag for my headphones. Once I found them I untangled them and hung my purse from my shoulder. No matter how loud the music was it wasn't able to distract me from replaying what had happened earlier at Jeremy's after we got home from lunch. How did I make him frustrated?

"Paisley!" A smooth male voice greeted after he tugged the headphones from my ears. Seriously? I thought. Before I could turn and scream at him for doing that I saw his face. Lincoln.

"Oh, Lincoln."

"Sorry, did I annoy you?"

"Not really, just made me a little confused," I lied.

"Oh okay, what are you doing here alone?"

"Nothing interesting, just looking around. What are you doing by yourself?" I scanned him up and down and the annoyance I felt towards him dissolved. He looked nice in khaki chinos and a long sleeved white shirt.

"Mom is shopping with my sister and they're going to be a while. Would you like to hang out and get something to eat?"

"I've already eaten..."

"How about see a movie?" He ran his fingers through his prefect dark blonde waves and maybe that was to lure me in.

I bit my lip in thought before replying with, "let's see what's good on."

"Sweet." He smiled at me and led the way to the movies. We entered the foyer and instantly I felt curious girls eyes look towards lincoln. I wonder if he notices how much female attention he attracts, I thought.

After looking at what was on, Lincoln suggested the latest scary movie that was out and I agreed because it was starting in 10 minutes and everything else was on later. I scrambled through my bag for my card as Lincoln asked for our tickets, just as I found it he already handed money over that covered both of us. "Lincoln I can pay for myself," I sternly informed.

A smile spread across his face, "chill, you can get popcorn and lollies if you're so concerned."

"Fine." That sounded like a fair deal to me. I looked over at Lincoln filling up the popcorn box while I was choosing the lollies and it set in that I was all of a sudden seeing a movie with Lincoln at 1:30pm in the afternoon on a Saturday when I woke up this morning with intentions on spending the whole day with Jeremy.

"Smile," he instructed as I was handing over the money to pay for our food.

"Why?" I turned to him picking up our items and handed him the popcorn box. He showed me his phone screen and it was a snapchat of me captioned with bae and the lolly, movie and tongue face emoji.

"Delete it," I demanded flatly.

"Nope it's going on my story." I watched from in front of him as his finger pressed a few places on the screen meaning it had been added to his story. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I walked towards the cinema we were in.

"I hate scary movies by the way, I get scared easily," I told him with no expression in my voice so I didn't sound afraid.

"Aw poor baby." He smiled smugly.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes to hide the fact that my heart skipped a little too unevenly at him.

A/N JAISLEY or LAISLEY or comment a ship you like/a better name for them, I'm gonna try updating more to finish this book sooner. Vote, comment and share with your friends pretty please xoxo sorry again for any mistakes!

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