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"You what?" Vanessa yelled through the phone.

"I went to the movies with Lincoln yesterday," I repeated.


"Vanessa!" I knew telling her would surprise her but I didn't think she'd take it like this.

"Okay I'm sorry, I just can't believe you done that. You told me you had to do your experiment with Jeremy." She sounded a little betrayed.

"It wasn't planned Vanessa, trust me. Jeremy wanted me out of his house and I couldn't go home yet," I stressed through the phone.

"So you went to see Lincoln?"

"No! Okay, I was at the mall and so was he, we both had nothing better to do."

"Oh okay. So did he make a move?" She asked changing the mood of the conversation.

"Well-" I was cut off by another call trying to come through, "Jeremy?" I mumbled looking at my phone.

"Jeremy?" Vanessa echoed just as confused.

"I'll call you back, I have another call coming through." My eyebrows were knotted together, I still couldn't think of why he'd be calling me.

"Whatever," she frustratingly sighed through the phone before I hung up making me feel bad.

"Hello?" I greeted more as a question.

"Took you long enough," he muttered, here we go, I thought as I rolled my eyes. "Paisley, why were you with Lincoln yesterday?"

"Um, because you kicked me out?" I didn't hesitate in giving him attitude.

"Hope you had fun making out with him instead of doing your assignment," he jeered.

"That did not happen! Did you seriously call me up just to say that? Do you just sit there and think 'hm what's a way I can ruin Paisley's mood,' I'm sick of it," I exploded before hanging up. Part of me regretted hanging up on him because I'm supposed to be getting closer to him, not arguing with him. Everything would be so much easier if he wasn't so difficult.

Without hesitation I called Vanessa back, "meet at the donut place around the corner from mine in an hour, I'll explain everything there," I instructed and listened to her reply before hanging up.

I was at the donut store within half an hour and she showed up 10 minutes later. "What's up?" She asked coming in for a hug.


"Oh." I saw her interest drop but I knew she'd still hear me out. "Are we really discussing eight boy?"

"Eight boy?"

"You're the one who told me he slept with eight girls."

"Yeah he has but-"

"So we'll call him eight boy," Vanessa said cutting me off. I surprised myself by smiling and nodding, I actually liked that code name for him.

We ordered and payed for our donuts before I gave Vanessa the run down on yesterday right up until when I met Lincoln at the movies, "so anyway, he called me when I was talking to you, sorry for taking his call... I really shouldn't have answered. He called just to accuse me of making out with Lincoln but he sounded a little... Jealous?"

"So you didn't make out with Lincoln?"


"Sorry just making sure."

"Help me! Why would he call me up like that?" Vanessa wasn't really any better at reading boys than I was.

"Maybe he was jealous."

"I want to know why though," I whined. I took another bite of my donut that I barely touched because of the frustration I was dealing with.

"Do you like him?" Vanessa asked with a mouthful of donut, her question caught me off guard.

"No? I just want to do the do with him," I answered half convincingly.

"I know that, but do you have feelings for him?"

"No? No, I don't."

Vanessa raised an eyebrow, "whatever you say." She had that weird tone in her voice that suggested that she didn't believe me.

"I don't," I muttered to myself and rolled my eyes. I never really put thought into whether I had feelings for him or not, all I really knew was that he is attractive and I wanted to have sex with him. He can be sweet, I've only witnessed that on occasion and he's impressively smart. His presence did increase my heart rate but I didn't think that meant I had feelings for him.

"How's West?" I asked a few minutes after no conversation was made. By the look on her face I could tell that it hadn't gone anywhere, it couldn't really, he still had a girlfriend. "No luck?"

"Yeah, he's still taken," she answered.

I giggled to myself, "remember at Henry's party, when I walked in on you and West, I can't believe you two-"

"Paisley! Shut up! Don't remind me please," she groaned.

"I honestly couldn't believe you guys were-"

"Yeah well I couldn't believe you were holding Henry's hand." She fired back at me with the same amount of amusement. "You two were the ones looking for a room."

"Okay fine you win, but I told you that I wasn't going to do anything with Henry, it was a miracle that you and West were in there." I sounded just as thankful as I looked when I walked into Henry's room that night.

"Oh my god!" Vanessa exclaimed looking at her phone.


"I think you'll want to check Instagram."

"Just show me." I basically snatched her phone from her hand.

"Seriously, Lincoln," I groaned. He had posted a photo he'd taken of me holding all the lollies from yesterday and captioned it 'so much sweetness in one photo'

How lame was all I could think. "Oh great, and he's tagged me."

"It's obviously you," Vanessa giggled.

"Yeah I know but it's worse when you're tagged."

Vanessa rolled her eyes and giggled, "you'll be fine."

A/N this is basically just a filler to bring back other characters into what's going on. Hope you're liking it ! :)

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