twenty two

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The cafe we sat in to eat was quiet seeing as it was only eight in the morning. I watched as Vanessa took a sip of her black coffee and I wondered how she enjoyed that bitter, strong taste. The taste of my caramel latte was definitely much preferred and the total opposite of what she drank.

"How's eight boy?" Vanessa asked, it was slightly odd seeing as she doesn't like him at all.

"Hard to explain." My eyes focused elsewhere to avoid hers.

"Explain." She folded her arms on the table and waited for me to speak. I didn't know where to start, wherever I started would still earn an eye rolling and scowl from her. "You told me he talked to you yesterday, you have to tell me," she demanded.

"Okay well," I sighed, but before I could start on what I wanted to say, I noticed the familiar dark blonde curls of a boy walk through the door. "Lincoln's here." My eyes instantly flickered to the hand in his hand. Lani was right behind him. "Lani?" I said in disbelief.

"Aw they're cute together," Vanessa complimented, a smile spread across her face.

"That was unexpected." I watched as Lincoln ordered them food and lead her to a table back outside. They looked so happy together which annoyed me.

"Yes, Paisley, boys talk to other girls than just you."

"No really?" I said sarcastically. "It's just, he said she was weird when-"

"Let it go, shit changes, constantly." Vanessa never hesitated in speaking exactly what was on her mind, only today she was a little more moody than usual.

"About yesterday." I cleared my throat. "I was studying with West when Theo and Jeremy came over and sat down."

"You were studying with West?" Vanessa questioned.

"Yeah he asked me to study with him," I clarified.

"Great, just great." She looked down into her lap before looking back up at me. "Anyway, so what did Jeremy say?"

I raised my eyebrow at her but nothing. She didn't react to it. Something was definitely up today. "He told me that we made out at the party."

"I knew you would." She chuckled while shaking her head. Her chuckle wasn't an amused one, it was more like a disappointed one.

"What do you mean by that?" I tried acting curious when I was actually quite offended. "It's not like I wanted to, not while he's dating Maddison anyway."

"Yeah but you still did. It's a subconscious thing, you didn't try to stop it because you don't like her, whereas, if I was his girlfriend you would've made sure you wouldn't have done it. Well I hope you would." Her disappointment in me was clear.

"I wouldn't do that to you. But I was so drunk, you don't understand."

"You can't say that, you're the number one believer in being drunk isn't an excuse," Vanessa reminded me. "You're being hypocritical if you say that."

"I know, I know I am but when you're as drunk as I was-"

"Just stop." She cut me off and the silence was extremely uncomfortable. She was right, I shouldn't have done it. No matter how drunk.

But that night was different, I'd never been that drunk before, it's like in that moment I knew what I was doing and I knew it was wrong but, I did it anyway. I wasn't given the chance to feel bad about it because I had forgotten by the next morning. Right now Vanessa was making sure I was feeling bad about it.

"So does he like you?" She asked after the agonising few minutes of silence. In that time I finished my latte because I was nervous. Nervous of her judgement of me.

"He doesn't know."

She sighed and put her empty cup down. "You need to open your eyes. I'm just saying this as your best friend who cares about you."

I was lost for words. I just nodded and stared at the table.

"You're all going to get hurt, this isn't just a stupid bet anymore." Vanessa's voice was filled with concern.

"No I won't, I think we're forgetting that I'm just trying to have sex with him."

"Do you like him?"

"No... I don't know, I just really wanna have sex with him." I was just as unsure as Jeremy was. I could like him and I may like him but right now it was still safe to say I don't.

"Why do you even want to put yourself onto his list? You'll be the ninth girl he's had sex with, we're all only 16!"

"I just want to okay," I sighed. Vanessa's had multiple opportunities to get upset with me about Jeremy but she chooses now. It's like she built all her frustration with him up and blasted on me at once. I knew she didn't like him at all, she told me that from the start but I don't get why. He's never done anything personally to her.

Vanessa stood up and pushed her chair in. "I don't want to be late for work."

I stood up and did the same. "Okay."

Luckily Vanessa only worked two streets from here in another small cafe. This morning I offered to have breakfast with her their but she decided on here. It was the whole thing about not being at work any longer than she should. It was obvious when she wasn't working that she didn't like working there.

We walked out the door and I had almost forgot Lincoln and Lani were there. "Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hey Paisley," Lincoln answered. He gave me a small smile and wave. A part of me was hoping for a hug but that was a little unrealistic seeing as how close he was with Lani.

I smiled at her and she waved back. She had big blue eyes and a cute nose. She seemed delicate in an intriguingly pretty way. The more I thought about it, the more I thought about how good they would be for each other.

Vanessa and I walked in silence and barely next to each other, she stayed a few feet ahead. I didn't bother to catch up to her because there was nothing to talk about.

My text tone chimed and I checked the notification. A text from Jeremy.

Hey. Is it okay if I come get you? We need to talk.

I didn't give it much thought seeing as the situation I was currently in. I replied back with a "yes" and the address of Vanessa's work.

Okay, see you soon, Paisley
read the reply from Jeremy.

A/N sorry if this chapter was boring!!!

Eight Boy (Jeremy Shada)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora