twenty one

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I had reached the library before West had so I took a seat on one of the benches out front of it, I couldn't believe I was spending a Friday afternoon at school studying in the library with Xavier West.

"Sorry got caught up with the boys," West said as he came around the corner.

"No, that's okay." I clicked the lock button on my phone and stood up. West put his bag right next to mine on the bench and for some weird reason I thought it was cute.

"What do you wanna study?" He looked up at me while he was digging through his bag.

I admired his face for a second. "Math and Chemistry of course, they're the classes I have with you." By the time I pulled out my books he was still looking through his bag.

"I can't find my ruler," he said, giving up on looking.

"I have one." I playfully rolled my eyes at him and led the way into the library.

He followed behind me to the group study tables. I thought for a second I was earning all the stares but then I remembered staring is a common issue West deals with.

All tables seemed to be occupied with other students in different grades except for one. Niamh was the only person occupying a group study table which slightly irked me.

"We'll just sit with her," West said, seeing what I saw.

"Fine," I mumbled. I stood there and let him lead the way to her table to ask her if the two of us could join.

"Can we study with you Niamh?" West casually asked, he placed his books down before she could reply. She nodded yes and went straight back to doing her work. "What do you wanna do first?"

You, I unexpectedly thought. Wow my emotions must be all over the place.

"Let's go with math." I opened my math book up to a fresh page. I only chose to do math first because Niamh was doing chemistry and I didn't want her thinking she could help me for an insight into Jeremy's mind.

"West," Theo called in the library, quickly earning a hush from one of the librarians.

I looked behind Theo to see Jeremy coming our way, obviously following Theo.

"Since when do you stay back and study?" Theo asked once he got to our table.

"Never but Paisley begged me too," West joked. I opened my mouth to defend myself but he winked and I shut it immediately, shocked that he winked and also at how good he looked while doing it.

I looked towards Jeremy and just happened to catch him rolling his eyes and gently shaking his head. That made me roll my eyes and continue to start my and West's exam preparation.

"Are you two going to sit or?" West asked both Theo and Jeremy.

"Yeah, no other seats seem to be free." Theo took the seat next to West who was next to me, and Jeremy took the seat straight across from me. There was one seat left and that was between Jeremy and Niamh.

I wondered why he didn't take the seat next to her, after all, they do flirt a lot online supposedly.

"West, did you get the permission slip from Miss Meen?" Theo asked.

Miss Meen was one of the gym teachers which all the boys drooled over. She was young and being a gym teacher allowed her to wear either bike pants or yoga pants every day. Her hair and make up was always nicely done which confused me because she was a gym teacher.

"No," West sighed. "Do you think she's still in her office?"

"We can check?" Theo suggested. He ran his hand through his hair before standing up.

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