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It's been two weeks and still minimal progress has been made. I don't know what to do, all I can think of is Jeremy and Niamh... and Lincoln. One time Niamh caught me staring at her in chemistry, she glared me... God, I hope Theo didn't mention anything. Lincoln settled in nicely and girls are still all over him, but I kinda like his company in biology...

"Oh la la, biology with Lincoln," Vanessa nudged me in the shoulder. "Or should I say Link?"

"Biology with Jeremy. I think that's what you should say," I grumbled. I didn't mean to take my frustration out on her it's just I'm getting nowhere and she's not helping.

"Come on Paisley, you and Lincoln would be so much better together." Her tone was convincing but I just couldn't get Jeremy out of my head.

"I don't want to be with anyone, I just want to have sex with Jeremy," I huffed.

She rolled her eyes, "you are a strange one, I'll see you later."

"Yup." I agreed hurrying off into the direction of biology.

"We have an assignment that must be done in pairs, Paisley seeing as you were the last one here, you can be the first one to pick a name out of the hat." Mr Oakley held out the hat of names to me.

"Sure." I didn't mind choosing first. My fingers rustled around in the strips of paper and to be quite honest I wasn't hoping for anyone in particular with my luck.

I picked out the strip of paper and as I went to say the name I froze. Not knowing how to react I threw the strip back into the hat.

"No Paisley, who's name was on it?" Mr Oakley asserted. My mouth opened but no words escaped my mouth. I just shook my head. "Who's name?" He pressed once more.

I took a deep breath, "Jeremy."

"Great." I heard Jeremy unpleasantly mumble.

Yeah great.

"I was really hoping on us being paired together," Lincoln said as I took my books from our table.

"Yeah me too." I tried to sound genuine, but my emotions were all over the place.

"There's only the rest of this week and next week for you and your partner to decide what experiment you're doing and how you're going to do it. So I expect that you get work done over the two week break," Mr Oakley informed the class that had now been put into pairs.

Holy moly, thank you baby Jesus.

"My house or your house?" Jeremy broke the silence between us, his stare was intensely focused on me. I couldn't form sentences with him staring at me like that so I just shrugged.

"Cool. This should go well," he rudely joked, running his hand through his dark brunette locks.

Seriously? What have I done to him?

The bell sounded and he was out of the classroom before I knew it. Good bye to you too.

"You seem like you're in a better mood," Vanessa noticed when I met up with her. Despite Jeremy's attitudes towards me I was still internally beaming.

"Much better mood."

Eight Boy (Jeremy Shada)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz