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Bzzzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzzzt.

I rubbed my eyes and cleared my throat before I swiped the lit up phone screen. "Paisley do you have any idea what time it is?" Jeremy boomed, making me scrunch my eyes.

Good morning to you too.

"Yeah uhhh." My voice was croaky so it became obvious to him that I had just woken up.

"It's 10:15, you were supposed to be here two hours and 15 minutes ago."

"I'll be there soon," I mumbled trying not to yawn.

"I've sent you the address already, just try and hurry up," he said before hanging up.

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw that I had six missed calls and four texts from him.

By the time I pulled up at his driveway it was 11:30. His driveway was a lot longer than I thought. I reached his house and I almost gawked at how enormous it was. I said thanks to my brother and waved as he drove out.

"Finally here."

I spun back around to face Jeremy. "Yeah sorry," I murmured, staring down at my shoes.

He looked at me for a few seconds before walking in the direction of the door. We entered and once again I was in awe. His house was even bigger inside and it was very fancy and extremely neat.

"There's no time for a house tour so we'll just go straight to my room, I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of my house anyway," he sighed climbing the stairs.

Yes. I. will be.

"And here we are." He opened the door for me and I slowly entered. At the very back of his room was a massive bed with way too many pillows on it. He noticed me staring at it and shrugged, "Yeah I don't sleep with all of them, it's just for show really."

On the right of the room as you enter there was a nice bookcase full of books and a couch and some bean bags. On the left there was a desk with a computer that had two more screens attached to it. "Cute, gamer boy," I teased.

"Actually it's so I can play music, do my assignments and maybe, possibly game at the same time," he said amused.

I looked at him and smiled using this as a chance to stare at him. He looked so good in his tight black jeans and fitted white t-shirt. His hair was messy compared to how he had it for school, it still looked good though.

"So how should we do this?" He took a seat at his desk.

Step 1. Take our clothes off, preferably take off each other's.

"Paisley." He said after a few seconds which made me jump.

"Oh sorry, I don't know. How do you think we should do it?" I took a seat on his bed. It felt so comfortable and under the blanket I noticed his sheets were silk. Thoughts of him laying me down were clouding my mind.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

"Oh that's me." Jeremy took his phone from his pocket.

Just by the look on his face I could tell it was either Niamh or the mystery hot girl he'd been talking to. I clenched my jaw at the thought of him sexting either one.

"Jeremy. We'll use different flours. Grow the flour beetles in different flours and see how it affects the population growth," I proposed in hopes that he'd put down his phone.

He looked at me for a moment, "yeah, good idea." He smiled then went back to his phone. Before I could comprehend what I was doing, I snatched the phone from his hand and ran over and dived on the bed reading what I could from it.

"Bae" really Jeremy? You of all people.

sorry babe, didn't mean to kiss you while I was sick, hope you're okay xx

no seriously I'm fine. I don't care, you can keep kissing me.

do you have tissues?

yeah I have some.

wish I was there to make you feel better 😉

My stomach began to swirl and I thought I was going to be sick. He didn't fight me for his phone but I locked it and gave it back to him anyway. "Hope you're okay baby." I made kissy faces at him.

"Whatever," he laughed shaking his head.

"Who's bae?"

"Why do you wanna know?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

He had me stuck for words, "I think the biology assignment is calling my name," I blurted out, I wasn't the best at quick thinking around him. He dropped his head and chuckled at the ground.

It was almost five o'clock and we had finally finished the first half of our reports. We even managed to plan out how we were going to do the experiment. Jeremy insisted he'd take care of the flour beetles because they weren't safe with me. "Looks like I'll have to see you tomorrow, Paisley." He opened the front door and gestured me to go before him.

"Ghee don't sound too excited," I muttered stepping down the front steps.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow," he informed me as my brother pulled up.

"Okay see you then." I waved good bye before getting into the car. That felt like such an awkward good bye.

Eight Boy (Jeremy Shada)Where stories live. Discover now