The match ups

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Narrator: The Calvary battle goes the same with everyone still on the same team.

Mei: Thanks for letting m e use you to show of my babies. 

Izuku: Well I couldn't really say no considering how your the one who is making upgrades to my suit, and you did teach me how to make that thing I asked about. 

Uraraka: The thing? "She says slightly jealous being left out" 

Izuku: Sorry Uraraka I would tell you but there is a chance I may have to fight you in next round, I'm really sorry. 

Uraraka: It's fine I get it. "She says with a understanding voice" 

Tokoyami: We ready to go. 

All: Defiantly!

Narrator: The battle goes the same but there is one key difference instead of Izuku using one for All to blow Todoroki's flames away before he can use it. Izuku's team charges at Todoroki's and Todoroki lights his arm on fire getting ready to use his quirk, Izuku reaches into his belt and pulls something out. 

Izuku: *I didn't want to use it because it won't be as effective since everyone will see it, but I have to win this* Everyone cover your eyes and Tokoyami put dark shadow away. 

Narrator: They all do as he says and Izuku throws a small ball at the feet of Todoroki's team and it explodes with a blast of bright light temporally blinding his team.  Which gives Izuku the chance to grab the headband with his points.

Desut: That's the way kid! Really evening the playing field. "He says watching the battle in the break room" 

Mt Lady: Why are you so invested in him.

Desut: Don't worry about it, let's just say I have a interest in him. 

Wood: That's weird.   

Desut: Not like that! 

Narrator: As the timer finishes Izuku reveals the headband that has 70 points.

Izuku: They mixed up their headbands. I'm sorry guys I messed up.

Uraraka: Don't worry. Becouse. "She dosn't finish her sentance and points at Tokoyami

Tokoyami: After you threw that flash bang I released dark shadow and your distraction let me get this. "He says holding up a 615 headband putting them in 4th place"

Narrator: After the second round Izuku pulls Todoroki over and makes sure he is okay after the flash bang he at through at him, Todoroki ignores it and asks what his relation to All Might is. 

Todoroki: You seem to have some sort of hatred to him but I see you talk to him a lot, are you All Might's secret love child.

Izuku: No! Where did you get that idea from?

Todoroki: To be honest I thought you were like me, a product of quirk marriages (He also explains what it is and his past with his mother and father and his car and how he will win by using his ice quirk and not his fathers) but maybe All Might's quirk didn't get passed down that's why you have a resentment to him. 

Izuku: I'm sorry about what happened to you but truthfully All Might isn't my father far from it, I hate him because he told me that without a quirk I could never be a hero. When my favourite hero told me that it broke me but at the same time it drove me to prove him wrong.  

Narrator: After they talk Izuku says that he will win against him, and then head to the final round. They all draw lots which are the same and Izuku still draws Shinso. 

Shinso: Good luck with our fight.

Izuku: "Before he can answer Ojiro covers his mouth with his tail and tells him if he answers a question hew will be able to control him" 

Narrator: Izuku even more cautious especially how he doesn't have a quirk tries to think about a strategy encasehe get's controlled. But before he knows it the match is going to start, but as he walks he sees Desut. 

Desut: Sorry I couldn't speak to you before I was on gaurd duty, but I just wanted to say good luck. 

Izuku: Thanks I'm gonna need it, I still don't have a backup plan if I get coight with his quirk I dodn't have enough time to finsh the upgrade on my staff. That was the only plan I had. 

Desut: Don't get stuck in your own head just do your best, if you do that you won't let me down. 

Izuku: Thanks! 

Narrator: As he makes his way on stage the fight starts.

Shinso: Your lucky that monkey boy saved you, I mean I don't know why from what I heard your quirk less and want to be the number one hero. Sounds like your deluded.

Izuku: "He draws his staff and without thinking runs at him and shouts" Shut u- "Before he finishes his body is frozen" 

Ojiro: I told him not to respond to him! 

Shinso: Walk out of the ring. 

Narrator: Izuku turns around and starts to walk towards the edge. 

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