Deku Vs Stain

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Narrator: Deku runs at Stain and he tries to slash one of his swords Deku doges it and slides between his legs and before Stain can turn around he feels a powerful kick to his side causing Stain to stumble and Deku uses this to opportunity to attack Stain with his staff. But Stain recovers quickly and blocks it with his swords. 

Stain: Your good, you even blocked my second blade.

Deku: Yeah, let's just say I saw it coming. 

 Stain: There are countless false heroes who are all talk, but I think your worthy of staying alive.

Narrator: Stain moves quickly and knees Deku in the chest kicking him backwards, when Deku looks up he sees Stain gone. Deku looks around but can't see him. 

Deku: * How did he- wait focus*

Narrator: Stain drops down with precision speed with his sword in hand getting ready to cut Deku, before he get's to attack Deku jumps to the side he looks up at Stain with a smile. But then that smile fades as he sees Stain lick his blade and Deku drops tot the ground. 

Deku: *No way! He cut me he says seeing blood dripping from his arm I was sure I dogged that. He must off used his sword to distract me and cut me with one if his knifes. I should have saw that coming, now Iida no*

Stain: That was fun kid, you know I meant what I said your different from the other heroes especially these two. "He says lifting his sword readying to kill Iida" 

Deku: NO DON'T. 

Narrator: Before Stain can stab him a blast of fire get's shot at Stain.

Todoroki: Midoriya you should give more details in times like this, I was almost too late.

Stain: Another hero, so many distractions today. 

Narrator: Todoroki pivots his foot creating Ice making Deku Iida and the injured pro hero slide near him. 

Todoroki: I'm not letting you kill anyone else.

Deku: Todoroki, don't let him cut you, we think he freezes his enemies by swallowing their blood. 

Todoroki: So I just have to keep my distance. 

Narrator: Stain throws his dagger which narrowly missies Todoroki but cuts his cheek, Stain throws his sword in the air distracting Todoroki and rushes him with his dagger Todoroki forces him back with his flames. Stain leaps into the air to avoid and grabs his sword getting ready to hit him with a deviating blow. Todoroki is caught off guard but acts quickly dogging it and uses his ice as a shield, Stain skilfully cuts straight threw the ice but missing Todoroki he shoots his ice forcing Stain back. 

Iida: No Todoroki the hero killer is mine, I inherited my brothers name this fight is with me. 

Todoroki: Your Ingenium now, the Ingenium I knew didn't have that look on his face. Stop thinking about your own revenge, were heroes we need to stop this villain.

Narrator: With a series of slashes Stain cuts through Todoroki's ice like it was air, while Todoroki's vision is blocked by the falling ice Stain throws blades that hit his arm then goes for the finishing blow on the pro hero. But Deku runs and slams his staff into his stomach smashing Stain into a far off wall buying them some time. 

Deku: Yo okay.

Todoroki: Yeah, fine.

 Deku: He is prety skilled with that sword, I would say amazing but he is still a villain. 

Pro hero Native: How come you can move, you were cut last. 

Deku: My guess is that either his quirk get's weaker as he uses it or it's down to the diffrent blood types. The different blood types determines how long his quirk lasts.

Stain: So you figured it out, smart kid. 

Deku: Todoroki, we have to hold him off at least until the Pro's arrive. I will go up close, try and keep him off your back. 

Todoroki: And I will attack from here and protect these two. 

Narrator: Deku charges at Stain attacks with his staff but Stain blocks them easily Deku stares intensely at Stain using his foresight on him to avoid his slashes, Deku doges his blade and sends a kick to his stomach and goes for a punch. But Stain's deminer instantly changes and catches his fist and kicks him in the chest sending him backwards, Deku tries to attack once again but Stain leaps over him and with his sword and slashes at his back Deku tries to dog  it but wasn't fast enough and Stain creates a deep cut in his leg as well as paralyzing him. Before Stain can attack him again Todoroki sends a wall of ice blocking him from Deku. 

Deku: *No way his whole fighting style completely changed my foresight was completely frown off.* 

Narrator: As Todoroki continues to attack, Iida tries to tell them to stop. 

Iida: Stop, you n-need to run. 

Todoroki: Heroes don't run, you want to make your brother proud then be Ingenium be the hero your brother would be proud off!

Narrator: Todoroki pivots his foot once more causing ice to shoot out of the ground Stain runs and doges out of the way before they even rise from the ground, Todorki charges his flames and shoots it staright at him but Stain dashes to the side avoiding it. 

Stain: You rely too much on your quirk, watch it be your undoing!

Iida: *He is right if I don't get up I can never make my brother proud if I don't get up right now.*

 Narrator: Stain pulls out his sword and is about to use it to cut Todoroki in two, but he hears someone shout "RECIPREL BURST!" And feel and strong impact in his chest knocking him into a wall. Todorki turns to see Iida the casue of the attack up and standing.

Stain: M-my quirk must have timed o-out. "He says holding his chest"

Iida: I won't let the two of you shed anymore blood for me!

Stain: Why bother a persons true nature doesn't change how they are driven by their own selfish desire. Your nothing but a fraud!

Todoroki: Don't listen to him Iida. 

Iida: I know, even if he is right if I give up now the name Ingenium will die. 

Narrator: Todoroki uses his flames to keep Stain back but Stain avoids them by leaping into the air and throws his blade hitting Iida, Iida still asks Todoroki to freeze his leg without pluging his exhausts. But get's hit with blades. Once done Todoroki goes back to using his fire. Deku starts to move after realising the paralysis wore off even with his injury's, he calls out to Todoroki. 

Deku Todoroki! make a ridged ice slope.  *this is our only chance to stop him, he is about to land on the ground he is in the air right now leaving him open to an attack.*

Narrator: Deku runs pushing through the pain running at full speed with his leg still bleeding going in for a finishing shot, he also sees Iida charging up for a final attack and hears him shout "Reciprel extend!" Deku leaps into the air jumping off Todoroki's ice pushing him into the air above Stain and smashes his leg into the back of his head sending him down at a even higher speed Iida leaps into the air with his final attack and sends his leg into Stains side. The combination of both their attacks sends Stain to the ground unconscious. 

A/N: Sorry if these aren't coming out as regularly as usual but I will try to get 1-2 chapters out per week but it depends on how much I write, because it takes some time to change the story to fit Izuku who is quirkless. So bare with me. But hope you enjoyed the chapter, if anyone has some suggestions or feedback don't hold back. 

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