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Narrator: Midoriya knocks on Bakugou's door as soon as the door opens he barges in.

Bakugou: What the hell! You can't just bar-

Midoriya: What's your problem with me. 

Bakugou: Too many things to list, now leave. 

Midoriya: Why. Why would you kiss Uraraka, you don't even like her you barley speak to her. 

Bakugou: I felt like it, I don't need permission from someone like you! "He say's in a harsh voice" 

Midoriya: Are you still on this, about me having no quirk is this what this is about you're jealous?

Bakugou: It's not fair. "He mumbles" 

Midoriya: What? 

Bakugou: IT'S NOT FAIR! I was always better. ME! You were always second place always lagging behind ever since we were kids. Now your the one ahead, All Might's favourite, taking on a vanillin by yourself, you even had to be the hero and save me from being kidnapped and now you even have your licence. I'm stuck last place. It's embarrassing last place behind someone who was always seen to fail. 

Midoriya: Are you serious, all of this just because I was doing better then you. Just to get back at me! You are angry at me because I saved you! Because All Might talks to me on accession! Or because I got my licence and you didn't. All of these things are out of my control I saved you because that's what a hero would do, All Might talks to me because I don't blow up in peoples faces every day and I have my licence because I worked harder then you and I deserved it!

Bakugou: SHUT UP! 

Narrator: He shoots his arm forward using his quirk it narrowly misses Midoriya as he moves out of the way but not before leaving a burn on his cheek. Midoriya tackles him to the ground and punches him in the face. 

Midoriya: MAYBE INSTEAD OF TRY-"He breaths and calms himself", maybe instead of trying to ruin my life you should focus on yours. Don't be looking at yourself in last place, look to do better. That's how I did it, I don't consider you my friend but as we are training to be heroes I don't want to see you throw your life away just because you are a little jealous. DON'T ACT LIKE A CHILD! ACT LIKE A HERO! Or at least a decent human being. 

Narrator: He said getting off him and walking towards the door. 

Midoriya: Also don't bring Uraraka into this, she did nothing. But thanks for ruining our relationship. 

Narrator: He leaves and goes to his room and eventually falls asleep, once he wakes he decides to sleep in, considering they have a week off school before they have to decide about there work studies. After he get's up he takes a shower and changes and finds something to eat after he leaves the dorms, not before locking eyes with Bakugou in the kitchen he sees that Bakugou has a bruise on his face on the opposite side of his, both so alike but so different one fuelled by rage and the other fuelled by a indescribable drive to be better then the other. Once he left the UA site he walks to Kimiko's apartment. 

Kimiko: "Opens the door" Your here early. 

Midoriya: Didn't have much else to do oh there was aletter outside your door.  "Walks inside" 

Kimiko: Oh thanks "She looks at it for a second her face changes but goes back to normal and then puts it on her counter table" 

Midoriya: Not gonna read it. 

-Kimiko: No it's not that importan- Hey what happened to your cheek it looks burned, sit down. 

Midoriya: Seriously I'm fin-

Kimiko: Sit. "She say's in a harsh tone" 

Narrator: She comes back with a disinfectant cleaning his wound and put's a square shapped plaster over it. 

Midoriya: Thanks. 

Kimiko: Did someone do this to you. "She says looking at him with concern" 

Midoriya: No, I spoke to Uraraka that went. As well as I thought it would go, then I spoke too Bakugou which made us both end up like this.

Narrator: He gives a light smile knowing he got a good hit in as well. Before he can think of anythign else he feels a hard punch to the op of his head. 

Midoriya: OW! What was that for? 

Kimiko: You idiot, why would you do that if your teachers find out you could get suspended. 

Midoriya: Yeah well he attacked me first. 

Kimiko: You sound like a child you know. "She say's with a sigh"

Midoriya: Funny I said the same thing to Bakugou.  

Narrator: Come on, let's go through the video that was recorded yesterday of melody street, they both sit down watching the tape. 

Midoriya: I'm bored. 

Kimiko: How can you be bored when we are watching people walk up and down the street, on what feels like a loop. This is so fun. "She say's in a sarcastic voice." 

Midoriya: Haha, the video is time stamped to 4AM there is no way he would be selling so close to morning. Also this is the last camera angle we have. So we are done. Right" She stays silent to think" Right? 

Kimiko: Yeah okay, but after we finish this last camera angle. So what do you want to do. 

Midoriya: How about cards. Go fish?  

Kimiko; Your loss I'm pretty good at that. 

Narrator: 30 minutes later. 

Midoriya: Go fish. 

Kimiko: Again, there's no way your cheating. 

Midoriya: No I'm not, your just really bad. 

Kimiko: Give me your cards.

Midoriya: No way. 

Narrator: He say's lifting the cards out of her reach she reaches further causing them both to fall over, Midoriya opens his eyes  as his face goes bright red he sees her sitting on his lap with her legs either side with his cards in her hands. 

Kimiko: Oh you really weren't lying, I guess I did lose. Huh 

Narrator: She say's looking down at him what's wrong she say's completely oblivious to what she is doing . 

Midoriya: *How can she not notice* I-it's ju-just your sitting on me pretty low down o-

Kimiko: OH! "She say's suddenly realising her situation" I'mreallysorry. "She say's in a embarrassing tone"

 Midoriya: *She say's that but she is still on me, not that I-* Don't worry about it! "He say's louder then intended"

Narrator: She quickly stands but slips on the carpet falling on top of him. 

Midoriya: Are you oka-

Narrator: He say's suddenly stopping as their eyes meet. 

Midoriya: Hey Kimi-

Narrator: As he say's that his phone goes off both of them jump apart as Midoriya scrambles to hold his phone, he looks at the message as he sees a message from Desut. 

Midoriya: Oh that's right, I said I would meet up with my teacher. I have to leave. 

Kimiko: Oh yeah don't worry about it. "She say's turning her head not being able to look at him" 

Narrator: He rushes out the door walking out of the apartment complex. 

Midoriya: *What was I about to say back there! hell what was I about to do. What about Uraraka? Me and Kimiko are just friends right?* "He questions to himself" 

The Quirkless Hero Book 1Where stories live. Discover now