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A/N: Let's pretend this isn't Red Arrow from DC. Also this is what her costume will look like in the story. I am not doing a crossover this is just for reference to the costume. 

Narrator: Midoriya heads back to the dorms he doesn't get stopped by Bakugou for a fight because he was the one who got kidnapped, instead he heads out as Vigilante feeling the excitement from getting his licence. He did this just to get some air he leaps from the different buildings he stops as he looks down and sees a guy walk into a alley clutching a briefcase to his chest, he get's suspicious and Vigilante makes his way down via the fire escape. 

Vigilante: What's in the case. 

???: W-who are, Y-your the Vigilante. 

Vigilante: I will ask again what's in the case? 

???: I can't tell you, they will kill me.

Vigilante: Fine give me the case

???: I can't do that either, step away or I will make you. 

Vigilante: Last chance.

Narrator: The stranger stands up and Vigilante receives a punch to the face knocking him back.

Vigilante: What the?   

Narrator: He looks up and sees two shadow arms coming out of his back, he stands and runs to attack he throws a punch but it get's blocked by his shadow arm. Vigilante uses his other arm and punches the guy in the stomach he bends as a reflex and Vigilante knees him in the face, the guy stumble's back holding his face. The man lifts his arm about to use his quirk but Vigilante throws a blade that pierces his shoulder.  

Vigilante: Seems like your quirk is limited, you can only attack with one arm at a time which sounds like a pretty annoying limit. Just give me what's in the case, I promise I will help you with whatever this is. 

???: Fine you want it. 

Narrator: He opens the case and pulls out a vial and stabs it into himself he drops to the floor and holds his throat. 

Vigilante: You idiot! What did you do. 

Narrator: He walks over to him bends down to check on him suddenly two arms come out from his back, they both grab him and stretch to slam him into the wall.

Vigilante: *His quirk just increased tenfold  he didn't have this type of range before and he couldn't use two arms at once.* 

Narrator: He moves his arms enough to reach his blades and slashes through his shadow arms. But as soon as he slashes through it nothing happens. 

Vigilante: *So his arms aren't even connected even if I attack his arms the rest of his shadow arms can still function.*  You know you can still hand me the case and this can be over." One of his shadow arms releases him but the other keeps it's hold" See now just release the other an-

Narrator: The arm that released him pulls him back and punches him Vigilante starts to struggle under his grip the man punches him again and again sending his head into the wall making him delirious, he turns his head as he feels his body being moved then feels a sudden slam as he is slammed into the ground he feels another punch to his face cracking his face mask. He get's pulled towards the man as his eyes flicker open and his vision get's blurry he feels himself about to pass out.

Vigilante: * No. Can't, not now.* 

 Narrator: He forces himself awake refusing to lose and get's thrown back into the wall, he hears something fly through the air and hit the wall next to the man he hears beeping and a explosion goes off knocking the guy to the ground. As he forces himself up he can feel the blood driping down his arm from his head Vigilante hobbles over kicks the man in the face knocking him out, he stays on his feet as he feels his knees about to buckle he forces himself to stay on his feet using the wall as support, he stumbles to the fire escape as blood drips from his head he pulls himself up. As he grabs the edge of the roof to pull himself up his eyes close for a second and looses his grip he falls. Before he falls too far a hand grabs him and pulls him to the roof. He sees a person in a red hood. 

Vigilante: *Who I-s that*

Narrator: He falls unconscious, suddenly he jolts up on a bed he sits up and groans as he feels his body screaming in pain and looks around and notices he isn't in his room. He turns his head to see someone on a table. He grabs his blades that were on the table next to him, and sees the person get up he pretends to sleep as he hears the persons footsteps come closer he feels their arm inch closer. He suddenly lifts his arm and points his blade at the person. He sees a girl wearing a Red and black uniform with short black hair.  

A/N: I will find a picture of her face without the costume probably next chapter.

Izuku: Where am I? My voic- Where is my mask? Who are you. "He say's looking at her" 

???: That was a lot of questions. Your at my place. Your mask was broken. I am. Well you can just call me Archer. You can put your blade down If I wanted to kill you I would have already, and I wouldn't have took care of your injuries. 

Izuku: I... Ok. You got me, y-you were the one on the roof. Why 

Archer: I was watching you get beaten up by that guy. "She said with a smirk" 

Izuku: Why w- Hold on you were watching me the whole time and did nothing. 

Archer: I wanted to see his quirk and I wanted to see how you would do against him. Good job by the way well not really.

Izuku: I was fine, up until he took that vial whatever it was. Maybe adrenaline and maybe it had some effect on his quirk. 

Archer: Good guess but no. It's a drug called Trigger it enhances quirks. 

Izuku: Ok, so Archer I take it your a Vigilante.

A/N: Question do you want her to be in a hero school like Shiketsu/UA while being a vigilante or in a normal school but a vigilante. Whatever you guys chose is what I will do leave you choice in the comments. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

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