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Narrator: Vigilante makes his way to Melody Drive and lands on the rooftop as he sees Archer staking out the street below. 

Vigilante: You got here fast.  

Archer: Or you got here really slow. 

Vigilante: It is pretty far from UA. 

Archer: Well you got here just in time, look. "She say's handing him the binocular" 

Vigilante: It's Hoshi. 

Archer: Let's go, if we go now we can take him by surprise and probably avoid a big fight. "She say's about to jump"

Vigilante: Wait "He say's grabbing her collar" This guy is the number 2 so even if we capture him there is a pretty high chance he won't talk and this will be a waste of time. Let's wait until he sells out then leaves he will lead us right back to his base. 

Archer: I hate having to stand by and watch him give out these quirk enhancing drugs (QED) you may be right. So I guess we play the waiting game. 

Narrator: They wait and make sure to follow Hoshi and keep him in there range of vision, they start talking about random topics. 

Archer: Hey, if this works out and we do locate the boss and take him out. What are you going to do the whole point of you doing this was to stop the role out of this drug. You gonna go back to your vigilantism stopping criminals. 

Vigilante: Uh I haven't given it much thought, I guess I will probably give Vigilante a break. I mean I do have my internship tomorrow. I should probably focus on school. What about you. 

Archer: Same I guess, I only did this to prove my father wrong about something he said to me once.


???: You think you can be a hero. 

Narrator: He say's laughing hysterically he walks towards the 7 year old girl and grabs her shoulder tightly. He looks at her in the eyes not moving his gaze. 

???: All you bring is death, misery and suffering to everyone you meet. 

Kimiko: Father that hurts, your squeezing too tight. 

???: You wouldn't even be able to save anyone, and a hero would never kill their own mother. 

Narrator: He say's as he leaves her with tears falling down her face. 

End Flashback

Vigilante: Oh what did he say, I don't really hear about your family much. 

Archer: Um, not much just didn't think I could be a hero like he was. We don't really speak anymore.

Vigilante: Oh sorry about that. *Is she holding something back* 

Archer: Don't worry about it, more importantly you are gonna still visit every now and then right. I know there is no need to bu-

Vigilante: Of course I will, were still friends right? Yeah of course. 

Archer: Yeah just checking. "There is a silent pause between the two" Hey about last time we saw each other, I wanted to tell yo-

Vigilante: Hoshi! He is leaving, we can't lose him. 

Narrator: He begins to turn to jump to the next building but get's stopped by Archer. 

Archer: Wait he is getting in a car there is no way we can keep up with that, so it's a good thing I brought something. 

The Quirkless Hero Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon