Who is he

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1 Hour earlier 

Kirishima: Man I can't believe Midoriya wasn't allowed to go.

Tsu: Yeah I can't believe All Might didn't let him. 

Uraraka: Don't worry you guys, we saw how determined he was to save that girl if I know him someone tellign him no wouldn't stop him from going. So let's focus on the mission. 

Kirishima/Tsu: Yeah!

Mirio: Took the words right out of my mouth, we made a promise to save her I doubt he will break it. 

Nighteye: We leave within the hour so hurry up. 

Narrator: A hour later Midoriya is in his new suit running across the rooftops towards the destination. 

Midoriya: *This suit is pretty light I can move a lot faster and that's still with my shoes on, if my phone is right their base should be right there! They must be inside already I can see smoke, damn there are police and monster woman outside the area they must be holding off Overhaul's lacky's alright think okay I there is a window easy entry inside but I would say the jump from here to the window is about 15 feet. Let's hope Mei's gear is as strong as she say's.

Narrator: Midoriya jumps from the building and smashes through the window and does roles onto the floor minimising the damage. He looks down the hall and sees a feint light knowing that is the entrance so he walks in the opposite direction, unknowingly Midoriya walks past the closed secret entrance and continues to run down the hall he continues run until he hits a dead end. 

Midoriya: Ah there must be a entrance it can't go upwards because this is the highest floor and from what I remember from the outside this is a real dead end. So it has to be below me. Let's hope Mei really made these stronger. 

Narrator: He pulls out a small explosive and throws it hard onto the ground and jumps back a good few meters. A massive explosion goes off creating a hole in the floor that leads downwards the hole in the floor starts to crumble and caves in creating a deeper hole. 

Midoriya: All right guess this is were it is. 

Narrator: He pulls out his katana and jumps down he stabs his katana into the wall to slow his descent. As he is falling he starts to think. 

Midoriya: *No way this was made because of Mei's bomb this is structural damage this must be Overhaul's quirk so that means he is right below me and in a fight.*

Narrator: He hits the bottom and starts to think of what he can do until the floor collapses beneath him, as he is falling he sees a collapsed Mirio protecting Eri and Overhaul is right below him. Midoriya drops down legs descending first he shoots his legs out and smashes both his legs on the back of Overhal smashing Overhaul into the ground. Midoriya stands on top of Overhaul as he looks down. 

Midoriya: I have been waiting for this, I'm gonna make you regr-

Narrator: Before he can finish two stone spikes shoot up from the ground Midoriya leaps from Overhaul's body and doges the spikes he lands on top of the stone spikes and jumps to the ground Infront of Overhaul. 

Overhaul: Disgusting how dare you touch me. "He say's scratching himself where he was hit" 

Mirio: "Looks up" Mi-Midoriya. 

Midoriya: Yeah don't worry I'm here now and I'm gonna save both of you. 

Narrator: Midoriya runs as Overhaul shoots stone spikes from the ground he doges them and slices the last one with his sword he jumps and spins his body and turns the jump into a roundhouse kick landing on the side of Overhauls head he sends Overhaul onto the ground near his lackey. 

The Quirkless Hero Book 1Where stories live. Discover now