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Mokey Fraggle loved poetry.
She was a poet herself and not just because it was something she did on a daily basis; it was one of the things that drew her into the world around her. Poetry had always been one of Mokey's favorite hobbies.
She loved learning new words, phrases, and rhymes, writing new poems in her diary, and reading them over and over again while she was alone in her cave, the stories unfolding before her eyes.
The language fascinated her, so very much like poetry is to music; a constant source of inspiration for her to write about anything from her life.
She would visit the Gorg's garden, staring at the moon, listening to the sounds of the night.
She would feel herself getting lost within the pages of her book; falling deeper and deeper into her own thoughts.
It was her way of getting away from reality.
When reality became too real or when she was stressed; the sound of her conscience would wake her up while in the middle of a dream, her heart pounding in her chest, she would turn to poetry. It was her reminder of what she was capable of achieving. Poetry provided her with solace and happiness. It filled her heart with warmth, comfort, and understanding. She would watch the words being written, feeling them as they were spoken, the feelings that made the story seem so real.

She had another way to express her thoughts and creativity; painting.
Painting was something she enjoyed.
She loved drawing. It meant creating something, and what she did, she put into the canvas before her.
The more she created, the happier she became.
Art was her passion; it was therapeutic and soothing.
She believed that the beauty of art is in the process of creation.
She would lose herself within the images she created. She didn't care if it was good or bad; all that mattered is that the piece felt beautiful and real as opposed to the idea of perfection. It allowed her to be happy with her work.
When Mokey was just a small fraggle, her father, Claude, once told her that when she was older, she should follow in his footsteps and become an artist.
He knew that she wanted to paint, so he encouraged her to make art. He was supportive; after all, he was an artist himself.
She would show him the drawings that she had done, and he would chuckle and say how wonderful they were. When she presented him with the completed pictures, he became even more excited than before. When Mokey showed him her first paintings, he told her that the best thing about them was how well she captured the feeling of the scene. He would proudly smile at her and praise her work, telling her how great it was and that it really did show true talent.

As an adult, she took her father's words true to heart. After many years of practicing her skills, she managed to create amazing works of art; both her paintings and poetry. They were always beautiful. She simply painted what she saw; from Doozer buildings and thimble beetles to her pet plant, Lanford.
The way she depicted those things, how they felt in her heart, how they truly came to life. The way her emotions flowed through the paint; was truly extraordinary. And when another fraggle would marvel at her paintings, they would praise her artwork, amazed by her skillfulness and talent.

 And when another fraggle would marvel at her paintings, they would praise her artwork, amazed by her skillfulness and talent

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Author's Note: The picture that I drew is Claude, Mokey's father. This is what I think he looks like.
He looks a lot like Mokey; like father, like daughter.

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