A Wish to Be a Fraggle (Scribble 2)

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Later that day, I called for a meeting in the Great Hall. Many Fraggles gathered around, chatting away. "I wonder what's going on." I heard Wembley say to Boober. Boober shrugged his shoulders. 'I have no idea," he replied, "Whatever it is, it must be important." Mokey stepped up and cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. They stopped chatting and turned to face us. "My friend Kayeleigh has something to say to us all." She nodded at me to continue. I gulped. All those eyes, staring at me, waiting for me to say something. "I... I wanted to tell you all...that I'm...I'm..." They leaned closer toward me, wanting to hear more. I sighed in despair. "I must confess that I'm not a Fraggle. I'm a silly creature." Every Fraggle gasped. "I knew it." I heard Boober say to Wembley. "I told you that her name wasn't a Fraggle name." He crossed his arms and glared at me. Or at least... I assumed he was glaring at me. "So why didn't you tell us earlier?" He angrily said. The other Fraggles nodded in agreement. Mokey looked at me with kind eyes and nodded at me to continue. "I didn't tell you earlier because I was so afraid that you all would hate me and would banish me..." The others looked at each other with sad eyes. Then they looked back at me. "I... I don't belong here." There was silence. No one moved. I took another deep breath. "I must go..." I then ran out of the Great Hall, but not before Mokey called for me to come back. I didn't turn back. I kept running towards the hole leading to my bedroom, hoping that I would turn back into a human. I fell asleep on my floor, but not before crying my eyes out. The next morning, I woke up to find that I was still a Fraggle. I started to panic and I ran back into Fraggle Rock for help. I knew who to go to. I ran into Mokey and Red's cave to find Mokey painting. She turned towards me. "Kayeleigh, there you are. Where have you been?" "I returned to my room in outer space. I spent the night up there to see if I would turn back into a human, but I didn't. I think I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life." "Oh..." Mokey said softly. "I'm so sorry that you had to suffer so much."  She sat on her bed and I sat next to her. She stared at me with sad eyes. "I assume you have a family that misses you." I nodded my head and replied, "A mother and a grandmother... I wonder if they've noticed that I'm gone." Mokey nodded and said, "I'm pretty sure that they have.  They must be worried sick."  We sat in silence for a while, thinking of what we should do.

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