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Red Fraggle was quite competitive when it came to Fraggle games.  She had a competitive streak that she couldn't control; she would make up her own rules and she would challenge other fraggles, especially her friend, Gobo. She enjoyed the thrill of winning.  Red was the Fraggle who would ever allow anyone to beat her at anything. When she heard about a game and a lot of radishes were on the line, she had to be prepared.

She was loud and rambunctious, unlike her roommate, Mokey, who was soft spoken and reserved. Red was quite a hyper fraggle, with never ending energy. She probably ate way too many radish bars. She would be bouncing off the walls.
She was not someone who likes sitting still or having to sit around and do nothing all day. Red was very active. She liked to do whatever she wanted: playing rock hockey and swimming in the fraggle pond; performing her graceful half-gainer.

She was also extremely stubborn. When she was small, her mother, Vivi, used to say: "Red is like a Gorg, she won't rest until she has everything she wants. And if something doesn't go along with her plans they had better start running because my daughter wouldn't let any of them get away with being a pain in the tail".
That was the most accurate description of Red. And even though the analogy might have made some people cringe a bit, no one would ever say she was an easy fraggle to deal with.

Red didn't understand that she couldn't have everything. She was determined; she knew what she wanted and she wouldn't back down from it!
If someone tried to deny her anything, she would go bonkers at them with all of her might, trying to convince them otherwise. If that didn't work, she would go after the ones she cared the least about.
It was very annoying at times but Red was strong willed. She had the determination to achieve her goals and even when those goals were things she hadn't planned for; if she had her way, she'd succeed.

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