Zara's Illness (Part 2)

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A week later, Mokey woke up to check on Zara. However, Zara was nowhere to be found. Even Boober was gone.  Mokey rushed out of bed and went over to Zara's bed. On the bed was a handkerchief. It was spotted with blood. The sight gave Mokey quite a scare. Mokey quickly grabbed the handkerchief and ran in search of Boober. As she was running, she bumped into Gobo. "Have you seen Boober?" Mokey asked while out of breath. Gobo nodded and replied, "I have. He took Zara to the Herbalist." "Thank you!" Mokey shouted as she ran through the Great Hall. As soon as she was just outside the Herbalist's cave, she heard the Herbalist say: "I'm afraid there's not much I can do for her, Boober. Her illness is much too severe. If anything, it is only going to get worse." Mokey's heart shattered when she heard those words. Tears began to freely fall down her face. She was trying not to freak out when she heard Zara's cough. Her heart stopped as she heard Zara cough again. This time, it sounded excruciatingly painful. Mokey looked around to find Zara laying in front of the fireplace. Her eyes were closed and her mouth opened slightly. Her breathing was also labored. "Zara!" Mokey whispered loudly. The sound of her mother's voice caught Zara's attention. She then opened her eyes and turned to look at her mother. She blinked multiple times to try to focus her eyes. She tried to say something but nothing came out. Zara tried again while pointing at Mokey, and this time her words finally came out. "Papa..." Zara croaked. Boober rushed over to his daughter. "What is it, darling? What are you pointing at?"  Zara weakly whispered her response. "Mama..." Boober turned towards the entrance. "Mokey?" He inquired. Mokey slowly walked into the room. "Have you been standing there the whole time?" Mokey nodded in reply while wiping tears from her eyes. Boober walked over to Mokey and embraced her. "She's getting sicker, Mokey. She's coughing up blood now." Boober whispered. Mokey's heart sank. Her mind was filled with horrible images and thoughts. Images of Zara dying. No, she couldn't have that thought! "We must save her! There must be something we could do!" Mokey pleaded to the Herbalist. The Herbalist shook her head. "Zara's illness is too severe for us to treat. We have tried everything we could think of but to no avail." She replied with a sorrowful tone. Boober looked sadly at Mokey. Mokey's chest heaved with every breath she took. "Mama?" Zara's little voice squeaked. "Mommy?" Zara croaked once more. Mokey slowly stepped over to her daughter and cupped her cheek. "I'm here, my sweet." Mokey said tearfully while hugging her daughter. Boober gently placed a hand on Mokey's shoulder. They both looked at the Herbalist. "We're so sorry for the trouble we've caused you. Thank you again for taking care of our daughter." Boober said softly. The Herbalist nodded. "It was my pleasure to be of service." Mokey and Boober turned and walked out of the Herbalists' cave, their hearts heavy. Boober was carrying Zara in his arms. "Where are we going, Papa?" Zara questioned her father. "Home, my little love." Boober softly responded. Zara nuzzled into her father. "Did I do something wrong?" Zara mumbled between sobs and coughs. Boober shook his head and replied, "No, sweetwater. None of us have done anything wrong." Mokey walked quietly behind them. She hadn't spoken since Zara had awakened. Zara knew something was upsetting her mother. She looked into her mother's eyes, trying to read her. She found a profound sadness but also guilt. Mokey noticed Zara staring at her. She smiled weakly and then looked back down to the floor. She could barely bring herself to look at Zara because she knew if she did, she would cry; knowing that there was no cure for Zara's illness. For the rest of the journey home, Mokey stayed silent. She refused to speak, even though Zara kept asking her what was wrong. Mokey just went to her bed to lie down. Boober set Zara into her bed. "What's wrong with Mama?" Zara croaked. "She won't even look at me." Boober fumbled for an answer. He sighed and said, "Your mama is sad, Zara. She's very upset." "It's because of me, isn't it?" Zara sniffled. Boober sat down next to his daughter. "It's because of your illness. There's no cure. It has never been seen in Fraggle kind." "Am I going to die?" Boober shook his head. "I can't lie to you, sweetheart, there's a chance you might die. We shouldn't think about that. There has to be some way to get you better." Boober stroked Zara's hair. "You have to get better." Zara snuggled deeper into her blanket. "Please don't leave me, Papa." Zara coughed before drifting off to sleep. Boober looked at his sleeping daughter. He brushed some hair out of her face. "I will never leave you," Boober whispered, "Neither will your mama. We both love you very much."

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