The Story of Gobo's Parents

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"Sonny!" Penny wailed as she kneeled down next to her unconscious and injured mate.  Her eyes were closed tight, a soft whimper escaping from her lips as she reached out to feel his cheek, it was warm. "Mama?" inquired six-year-old Gobo. "Is Papa okay?" Penny looked at her son. "Gobo, I need you to be brave, for me and your father." Gobo nodded. "You need to go back to the Rock," She continued, 'Get your Uncle Matt. He'll know what to do." "I'll get you Fwaggles! You can't hide from me!" Yelled Junior Gorg. "Now, be safe. Do not let the Gorgs hurt you." Penny whispered. Gobo nodded again and turned around, running back to the rock. He then heard a loud thump. He stopped and turned around to see his mother was suddenly knocked out cold. He wanted to go back to her but the Gorg was approaching him. Gobo managed to outrun the Gorg and made it back to the rock safely. He rushed to his Uncle Matt's cave. "Uncle Matt!" He cried. Matt quickly turned around to look at his nephew. "Whatever is the matter, Nephew?" He asked. "Mama...Papa...Gorg...thumped them on the head..." Gobo replied frantically. His uncle took Gobo's hands in his. "It will be alright, Gobo. Take a deep breath. In... Out...." Gobo inhaled slowly and exhaled. "That's right. Now, come with me. We'll get the herbalist. She'll help us." Everything started to blur.

"Gobo...Gobo?" Gobo snapped out of his flashback. He found himself sitting on his bed. He looked to his right and there stood Mokey. "Are you alright?" She asked. Gobo nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'm okay." Mokey sat next to Gobo. "What's on your mind?" She inquired. Gobo sighed, 'I'm thinking about my parents." "Oh...what happened to them, if you don't mind me asking." Gobo looked down at the floor. Everything came back to him. His flashbacks returned.

"I'm sorry, Matt. There is not much I can do." Gobo heard the Herbalist say. "Do you think they will make it through the night?" Matt inquired. The Herbalist shook her head. "I can't lie to you, Matt. Their injuries are too severe. They might not make it." "My poor will I tell Gobo? He'll be heartbroken." Everything went blurry again.

Gobo looked at Mokey. "They were thumped by the Gorgs. I remember standing outside the Herbalist's cave, listening to her conversation with Uncle Matt. She thought they weren't going to make it through the night."

He went silent again.

"Gobo." Matt said as he entered his cave. "How's Mama and Papa?" Gobo asked. Matt shook his head with sadness. "I'm sorry, Nephew. Your mother and father-" "No!" Gobo shouted. "They passed away last night." Matt continued. "Their injuries were too severe." "No! Mama! Papa!" Matt wrapped his arms around Gobo in a warm embrace. Everything began to blur again.

"They died...I didn't know what to do." Gobo started to sob. "Oh, Gobo. I didn't know. I'm sorry I asked." Mokey said softly. "It's just that...I wish they were still here, to see them again. Mokey, do you still have your parents?" Mokey nodded and replied, 'I do. I remember moving out of their cave. I haven't seen them in years, Same with my sisters." "You have sisters?" Gobo inquired. Mokey nodded and replied. "Two of them. My older sister, Harmony, and my younger sister, Melody." Gobo sighed as he wiped away tears with the back of his hand. "You're so lucky to still have your parents. When my mother and father died, it taught me something I'll never forget: don't take life, or your family, for granted. Because it can be taken away in a heartbeat. And when it happens, it leaves you broken...feeling alone." Mokey rested her hand on Gobo's shoulder and said, "I know how you feel. I remember when Lanford died. I felt broken on the inside. I felt alone. But then, I reminded myself I have four amazing friends who are always there when I need them." Gobo looked at Mokey, smiled, and nodded. "You're right. Sometimes, when you become sad, it's hard to see what's right in front of you when you have tears welling up in your eyes. Thank you for being here for me." Gobo sniffled as Mokey smiled back at him. "You're welcome, Gobo." The two hugged each other for a few moments. "I'll make you some tea," Mokey said as she broke the hug and stood up. "Thanks, Moke." Gobo replied and watched as Mokey left the room.

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