A Wish to Be a Fraggle (Scribble)

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I sat on Mokey's bed, looking down at the floor. I had been thinking for a while and I needed to get some things off my chest. If it meant talking about something that was bothering me then so be it. But how am I supposed to tell her that I am a human without her becoming angry? Mokey then entered the cave. "Kayeleigh? Are you alright?" She asked. I looked up at her with sad eyes and shook my head. "Can you sit down with me? I need to talk to you." Mokey sat on the edge of the bed. She looked at me with a concerned look on her face. "What's the matter?" I looked down into my lap, took a deep breath, and asked, "Can you keep a secret?" I heard her say in a sweet voice, "Of course." I looked back up at her. "Mokey...I'm actually not a Fraggle." Her eyes widened. "You aren't?" I shook my head no. She looked a bit scared but she still gave me the kind smile I grew to love. "So, what exactly are you? A Gorg?" I shook my head. "A Doozer?" I shook my head again. "No... Mokey, I'm a human being." Her eyes widened once again. "You're a silly creature?" I nodded in reply. She looked bewildered. "From Outer Space?" I nodded again. "How...how did you end up like this?" I became teary-eyed. "I made a wish on a star one night and the next morning, I woke up to find that I had turned into a Fraggle. That's how it all started. I never thought that it would happen. But it did. You're probably wondering "How do you know about us Fraggles?". Aren't you?" She nodded. "I've known about you guys for many years," I continued. "Especially you. You're my favorite Fraggle. My comfort character. The one who helps me through tough days when it gets rough." I sniffled slightly. "I have always wanted to meet you in person. You are the Fraggle I can relate to the most. And I don't want to lose you because of my foolish wish." She reached out and hugged me tightly. I could tell that she was crying as well. "Oh, Kayeleigh..." She sniffled. "You will never lose me. We may be from completely different worlds, but we will always be friends. I promise." I smiled softly, hugging her in return. I tell you, Mokey gives out the best hugs. We stayed like that for quite a long time before pulling apart. As usual, I felt a little better just having spoken to someone about this. And since I revealed my secret to Mokey, I knew I could trust her. She'd kept her word and was willing to help me however she could. I really couldn't ask for a better friend. Now I just had to figure out how to tell the others. "So... how do you want to break it to the others? Do they already know you are human?" I looked away from her. I didn't want them to get mad or upset. And when I tell them...well, it wouldn't be good. The rest of the evening I lay in bed, thinking. How am I supposed to tell the other Fraggles? What if they reject me? Or worse yet, call me stupid? These thoughts plagued my mind, nearly driving me into madness. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of nothing but loneliness and fear. In my dream, I confessed to every Fraggle in the rock that I was a human. They all banished me and would never speak to me ever again. I woke up in a pool of sweat. It was still dark outside. I looked over to Mokey and saw that she had fallen asleep too. I sighed as quietly as possible and slipped out of bed. Maybe telling the others wasn't such a great idea. Maybe this was all just a mistake. But if I didn't tell anyone, I would surely die of heartbreak. My eyes filled with tears and I began to cry. Red woke up to the sound of my sobs. "Kaye? What's the matter?" She inquired as she got out of her hammock to comfort me. "It's nothing. I'll go to sleep now." I wiped my face as I lied down under my covers. "But Kaye...is everything okay?" I shook my head no and pulled my blankets tight around me. "Please go back to your hammock. Don't worry about me." After lying there for a few minutes, I opened my eyes to find her still sitting next to me. Tears were still streaming down my cheeks, and I didn't bother wiping them away. "Are you sure? You seem to be upset. Please, let me help you, Kaye." My lower lip quivered. "I need to tell you that I'm not a Fraggle. I'm actually a silly creature." She gasped, covering her mouth with both hands. "A what?!" She exclaimed, staring at me in shock. I closed my eyes, feeling like screaming or throwing up or maybe even punching something. After a few moments of silence, I peeked open an eye and said, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have told you." She put her arm on my shoulder and rubbed my back. "Don't be sorry. I'm proud of you for telling me. Why did you hide it for so long though? I shook my head. "I was so afraid you guys would hate me and banish me. I already told Mokey and she was happy that I told her. That doesn't change the fact that the others might be angry." She frowned. "Why would any of the others be mad at you?" I rolled over onto my side and faced away from her. "Because they might think that I'm just a monster, trying to take advantage of their kindness!" I buried my face in my pillow. "No, Kaye! They wouldn't think that of you. I am so proud that you've come to trust us enough to share your secret with us." I raised my head from the pillow and gave Red a soft smile. "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you care so much."

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