Birds of a Feather

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**This is a small excerpt. I will publish more of this story soon.**

Mokey had been a member of the Minstrels for three years. The group was small, but it meant a lot to her that she was a member. She would always admire Cantus' talent for the magic pipe. His music was always beautiful. It was so beautiful, she fell in love with him. That love only intensified when he told her that he loved her in return. They began dating and eventually, they became mates. The two were soulmates and Mokey never got tired of telling everyone about how happy she was to be part of such an amazing pairing. Mokey enjoyed all the adventures together, spending most of her free time with Cantus. There wasn't anything else she wanted out of life except being near him. Even though she was a Minstrel, Mokey still wrote in her diary daily, recording her journey and writing poetry. She would also sketch out things she saw. Sometimes, she'd even draw Cantus. He was incredibly handsome, and it made her heart flutter. He was the most handsome Fraggle in the whole rock. No one else came close. If Mokey's heart was beating, it was because of Cantus. He was her other half, and they were meant to be together. After several moons spent together, Mokey knew this was what she wanted. To spend every day with Cantus and have his undivided attention. After a year of being mates, Mokey found out she was expecting her first child. She had been thinking about getting pregnant before, but it always felt like something was missing in her life. Now, with Cantus as her mate, she was ready for her child. She was excited about what was to come and looked forward to starting a family with him. The pregnancy went smoothly and soon, Mokey gave birth to a healthy boy. She named him Quintus and she adored him with all her heart. Being a mother brought her a feeling of perfection and it filled her up with pride that she could create such an amazing being. She enjoyed every moment spent with her son. Before she knew it, Quintus would be walking, talking, eating, and making faces. It was wonderful seeing how much his little hands grasped at things and what a huge sound he made when he laughed. Everything Quintus did brought a smile to Mokey's face, which was evident by how frequently she smiled. It didn't matter where she was, whenever she heard Quintus laugh or cry, she couldn't help but smile. Every single time, it was the best feeling. It was everything Mokey had ever wished for and more.   Her world was complete and nothing could make her happier.  However, there were times when Quintus would cry or whine because he needed someone to hold him. Those nights were long and exhausting. She cried herself to sleep as she tried to comfort her baby boy but to no avail.  The only way Mokey could calm Quintus down and get some rest was if she cuddled with him for hours until he slept.  Mokey would often sing softly to him as he calmed down and once in a while, she would hum something Cantus had taught her. At times, the sound of his mother's gentle voice was enough for him to go to sleep. Her arms were warm and her fur was soft.  Her scent was comforting too. When she sang those songs, Quintus felt safe and comfortable. Once he fell asleep, Mokey would kiss his forehead and whisper "I love you" over and over again. That was how he fell asleep every night. He would fall asleep knowing that he had his mother's undivided attention. Ah he grew, Quintus started to look like his father. When Quintus was four years old, Mokey had another child. This time, it was a girl. Mokey and Cantus named her Flora. Flora was a quiet baby who rarely cried unless absolutely necessary. As she grew, she started to take after Mokey, both physically and emotionally. Flora was beautiful. She had long, thick sky blue hair that reached her waist. She had her mother's nose and eyelids. Flora was a shy Fraggle. She tended to hide behind her mother's leg when she was around strangers and preferred to sit quietly when playing. Flora loved to draw, especially flowers. She was very artistic.   Mokey and Cantus spent a great deal of time teaching Flora their craft. Flora was extremely talented and very dedicated to making her artwork come true. Whenever she drew a flower or butterfly she always thought of Mokey and Cantus, and it made it so much easier to concentrate on what she was doing. Flora was six years old when her younger sister, Lyra, was born.  Flora liked Lyra instantly and was very protective of her. Although Flora was quite young, she was very wise.  Her knowledge of plants, animals, and history far surpassed anything Quintus knew.  Flora was so knowledgeable and mature for her age that it sometimes left the adults speechless.  Lyra loved her big sister unconditionally.  Flora would take care of Lyra, read her bedtime stories, play with her, and give her piggyback rides.

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