SONG: Serenade of the Rain

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Rain drops descend, a gentle kiss

On dusty streets, a soft caress

The thirsty leaves, they reach and sigh

As silver threads paint the sky

The windows weep, a misty veil

As shadows dance, and stories sail

The wind it whispers secrets kept

Of distant lands where dreams have slept

The storm it starts, flows wild and free

A symphony for all to see

The lightning cracks a jagged tear

As thunder rolls, a distant cheer

But then it slows, a gentle sigh

The clouds retreat, revealing sky

A rainbow blooms a vibrant bridge

The water falls down rock's edge

The world, it gleams reborn and new

Washed clean by tears of deepest blue

The rain, it whispers soft and low

A secret shared gently flows

So let the rain come dance and sing

A calming song of nature's wing

For in its touch and melody

We'll live in peace and harmony

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