Mokey's Childhood (Part 2)

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As time progressed, the pain became less noticeable but not completely gone. Jasmine knew this would only last for a short time. One night, she went into labor. She was getting a glass of water when the contractions started. She was terrified; her body ached with every movement, and the pain was excruciating. Claude rushed to her aid. He helped Jasmine sit on the edge of her bed. He rubbed her back and shoulders as the contractions intensified. It felt like her womb was ripping apart. Tears streamed down her face. She squeezed her eyes shut, holding back her screams. Claude continued to rub her back and shoulders; trying desperately to comfort Jasmine. Jasmine opened her eyes as the contraction ended; breathing heavily. She stared up at Claude, who stood staring at her with a worried expression etched onto his face. She whispered, "Don't leave me, Claude. Don't leave me." His eyes widened, and he replied, "I would never leave you. We'll get through this together." Then the contractions began again. Claude held Jasmine tightly against him, keeping her steady. She was sweating profusely, her face paler than usual. The following hour was agony for Jasmine. Every moment felt like an eternity. She felt like she couldn't breathe; her lungs seemed to burn with each breath she took. Each contraction felt like a knife was slicing straight through her abdomen. She felt as though she might die at any moment.

After a few hours of intense labor, everything finally came to an end, and Jasmine was exhausted. In Claude's arms was a baby girl with mauve skin, darker purple fur, and turquoise hair. Claude cradled his daughter carefully. He gazed upon his daughter with tear-filled eyes. His eyes sparkled with emotion. He was awestruck at his beautiful daughter. He was speechless. Jasmine watched Claude and her daughter; tears streaming down her face as she sobbed. Suddenly, Claude turned around, facing Jasmine. A smile rested upon Claude's lips. He slowly handed Jasmine the baby. Jasmine immediately reached forward to take her precious bundle of joy. A loving smile spread across her face as she cradled her newborn baby. "What should we name her, Jas?" Claude whispered. Jasmine's eyes lit up as she looked up at Claude. "Maybe... we could call her... Mokey." Jasmine answered. Claude nodded his head yes, agreeing to the suggestion. "Mokey." He repeated. He kissed Jasmine on the nose. They both stared intently at their sleeping daughter, admiring her beauty. "She's exquisite." Jasmine said softly. "Beautiful, perfect...just like Harmony." Claude replied tenderly. Jasmine lovingly gazed at Claude. She smiled. Her eyes softened."Yes...just like Harmony..." She whispered softly before laying her head on her pillow. She closed her eyes as tears streamed freely down her cheeks. "My beautiful, beautiful daughter...." She whispered again. Claude smiled softly before leaning over towards Jasmine and he kissed her cheek.

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