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Wembley Fraggle was always indecisive.
He could never make up his mind.
He would get a bit ahead of himself and do things that he wouldn't normally, but then would back out. This would happen over and over again, until there were times where he didn't know what the answer was anymore.
He just didn't know what was right.
It frustrated him greatly. He thought it was all part of growing up.  That everything changed with age. That everything would become easier with experience.
He knew there was still so much to go through in life. So many more experiences. So much he still had to learn about himself.
Why couldn't he make up his mind? What should have been a simple matter of making a decision became one of complex feelings of hesitation. Of doubt. Of insecurity.
Wembley often looked into people's eyes.
Red's athletic and energetic vibe, Mokey's calm, poetic and artistic nature, Gobo going on adventures... these fraggles seemed to be able to read his innermost thoughts. They could read him like an open book.
Yet, Wembley wasn't really good at reading others' expressions, he often felt embarrassed when he found himself thinking too loudly or too long.
He was always afraid someone would find him to be stupid, silly and annoying for thinking such nonsense. He feared being made fun of by his peers because he was quite an awkward fraggle.
Wembley wanted desperately to prove himself to everyone around him by not letting anyone see him as weak. This meant being strong, confident and sure of himself.
That way, when he finally decides what his life means, he'd look back on it and remember it all and not let anyone ever tell him otherwise.

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