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Boober Fraggle was terrified of germs and pestilence. He had been since he was a young Fraggle, and even then, it was more than just fear that got him to avoid them at all costs.  Even as an adult, and even when there were no other risks, his mind was constantly filled with worst case scenarios. What if something happened to his friends?  What if Mokey became ill from eating something bad? What if Gobo and Wembley caught Pebble Pox again?
The only things that kept his fears under control were two things: cleaning and cooking.
His cave was spotless; his bed made up, the floor swept. His kitchen was immaculately clean; his spices neatly arranged on the spice rack, all of his pots clean and put away.
He took pride in how neat everything was because that meant he wouldn't get distracted by his fears.
He also made sure that all of his friends' laundry was done.
Not just because he enjoyed doing so; he wanted to make sure that they had clean clothes. It was his ritual—cleanliness followed by the cycle of contentment before sleep.

If anything went wrong or was even slightly off, Boober would be the first to go and help fix whatever had gone wrong.
No one worried about having their dirty clothes laundered because they knew Boober did a fantastic job. After all, nothing went wrong while they were all together, right?

He took joy from making food for his fellow. fraggles. While it was sometimes messy, cooking for people he liked and cared about, it never tasted as good as this; Doozer Stick Consommé and Frozen Radish Bisque in the winter, Lima Bean Soup on his birthday, Radish Bars for Red, and Okra Soup. Although he knew Mokey hated okra.

He took joy in doing the dishes after dinner because washing and drying were both enjoyable and helped relax him.
But most importantly, he felt great about doing these tasks. They gave him a sense of fulfillment that brought him peace and they kept his anxieties at bay.

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