Alone for the Holidays

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Pedley Fraggle, an artist, is forced to celebrate the winter solstice (The Festival of the Bells) alone, for he has no family to speak of. Also, he's on an art expedition. Later he finds an unexpected friendship from Mokey, who is also on an art trip. Mokey is often jealous of Pedley. Will they get along and celebrate the winter solstice together?

One winter solstice, Pedley found himself on a remote art expedition. He had been planning this trip for months, and he was thrilled to find endless sources of inspiration.. But as the day went on, he realized that he was all alone. He felt a pang of loneliness in his heart. Pedley knew that the winter solstice was a time for celebration, friends and family. All over Fraggle Rock, Fraggles would gather together to sing songs, dance, and have a bountiful banquet.. Since he was all alone, Pedley had no one to celebrate with.

To clear his mind, Pedley decided to go for a walk. He wandered through the forest, admiring the sparkling icicles, which were hanging off the limestone ceiling.. As he walked, he began to sing a sad song about being alone. Suddenly, Pedley heard a voice singing along with him. He turned around and saw Mokey Fraggle standing at her easel, painting away. She was also on an art expedition, and she had been feeling just as lonely as Pedley.

Pedley and Mokey started talking about their art. Pedley told Mokey about his art expedition and how he would be spending the Festival of the Bells alone. Mokey was sympathetic. She had also been forced to spend the Festival of the Bells alone. They quickly realized that they had a lot in common. They both loved to paint and draw, and they both loved to explore new and inspiring places. "You don't have to spend the Festival of the Bells alone," said Mokey. "You can spend it with me." Pedley was touched by Mokey's offer. He had never made a friend so quickly before. He accepted Mokey's offer, and they decided to celebrate the Festival of the Bells together.

As the night went on, Pedley and Mokey decided to celebrate the winter solstice together. They sang songs, danced around the campfire, and ate a delicious radish stew. They even made their own bells out of ice and snow. For the first time in a long time, Pedley felt like he had a family. He had met Mokey unexpectedly, but she had become his closest friend. Mokey and Pedley found that even though they are far away from home, they are not alone, for they have each other to celebrate the holidays

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