SONG: Shadows on Broken Glass

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DISCLAIMER: This song discusses serious topics and is rather depressing.

Empty chair, a hollow ache, where laughter used to bloom

Footprints fading in the dust, a melody cut short in gloom

Sunlight sifts through broken glass, paints shadows on the wall

 Whispers of your name, echoes through the hall.

Memories dance like fireflies, fleeting sparks in the night

Familiar scents, a phantom touch, a whisper in the fading light

The world spins on, oblivious, to the storm within my soul

A symphony of shattered dreams, taking its untamed toll.

In the mist, a fragile hope, a whisper soft and low

A seed of grace, a tender bloom, where grief refused to go

The sun will rise, the clouds will part, the rain will kiss the ground

And in the garden of my heart, your memory will be found.

Grief, a shroud of ashen tears, a melody of pain

Will transform to gentle rain, then sunlight after rain

The echoes of your laughter lost, will linger in the breeze

And though you're gone, I'll hold you close, your love a guiding light at ease.

So I'll sing this song, a lullaby, to the one who's flown away

A promise etched in every note, that love will find its way

Through whispers of the wind, my dear, my love will never cease

And in the tapestry of time, we'll find eternal peace.

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