SONG: My Unborn Star

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DISCLAIMER: This song discusses serious topics and is rather depressing.

Tiny hands, unseen, unfurled, a ghost within my womb

A lullaby, unheard, unsung, in the garden of my room

Butterflies of hope took flight, dreams scattered on the breeze

Whispers of a life unborn, carried on the mournful trees

Little star, so briefly bright, a flame that flickered out

Did you know the love I held, the dreams we danced about?

Footprints in the shifting sand, washed away by sorrow's tide

But in the echoes of your name, my broken heart will hide

An Empty crib, a silent song, rocking in the lonely night

Tiny toys with vacant eyes, bathed in pale and moonless light

Mother's milk, a bitter stream, a comfort turned to pain

The weight of absence crushes me, a love that's lost its rain

Little star, so briefly bright, a flame that flickered out

Did you know the love I held, the dreams we danced about?

Footprints in the shifting sand, washed away by sorrow's tide

But in the echoes of your name, my broken heart will hide


Through the veil of tears I see, a promise in the dawn

A field of wildflowers bloom anew, where sorrow had withdrawn

Your memory, a butterfly, takes flight on wings of grace

And in the midst of starless nights, I see your lovely face

Little star, so briefly bright, a flame that flickered out

Did you know the love I held, the dreams we danced about?

Footprints in the shifting sand, washed away by sorrow's tide

But in the echoes of your name, my love will never hide


One day, on a distant shore, where stars like diamonds gleam

We'll meet again, my little one, one night, in my dreams

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